Thank You For The Music

Dec 27, 2013 17:15

Hello dear FList, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and Santa was good to you? Thank you all for the lovely cards and gifts you sent. Consider yourselves all soundly hugged.

We've had a lovely couple of days chilling out at home and catching up with friends. Partner worked nightshift at the hospital on Christmas Eve so I had the onerous responsibility of sneaking into daughter's bedroom in the wee small hours of the morning to fill her Christmas stocking :} Before going to bed, daughter and I shared the little opłatki wafer that aletheiafelinea sent from Poland. Toots was delighted with it and said she wanted to do this every year! Christmas day itself was quiet quiet as we had a house full of very tired people, but we went round to visit friends in the evening. On Boxing Day they came round to ours to watch the first leg of the 1872 rugby cup (Glasgow beat Edinburgh as is only right and proper) and to teach the girls how to use their new roller skates. I'm so jealous! I want a pair of rollerskates now too :}

I may not have got a pair of rollerskates, but I did get lots of wonderful renaissance music from parter, nodbear and esteven. Thank you my dears! I was also chuffed to bits to get a copy of JT Serres Liber Nauticus, which I've been coveting for ages. It's a nautical drawing manual published by Serres in 1805 and re-printed in 1979. The originals sell for up over £15,000, but even the reprint is scarce and quite collectible. It's also huge and I haven't a clue what to do with it! None of my book shelves are big enough :}

real life, jt serres, books, christmas, fangirls

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