The Indy

Dec 26, 2012 22:39

If there's been a theme to this year's Christmas it has undoubtedly been....rum :} Partner bought me a miniature of The Black Tot, the last consignment of Royal Naval rum that I posted about earlier in the year, and my BFF got me a bottle of Sailor Jerry rum and two very extravagant (and huge!) hand blown cocktail glasses. It would have been rude not to christen the glasses so we spent Christmas evening making rum cocktails and playing whist with BFF and her husband. Hornblower would have been proud of us :) Due to lack of obscure ingredients we ended up inventing our own cocktail, so BFF insisted on giving it a name and suggested calling it after "that ship you're writing about". And so The Indy cocktail was born and here for the record is the recipe!

~~The Indy~~

2.5 parts Sailor Jerry
1 part Cointreau
1 part lime juice
0.5 parts Amaretto

Shake with ice and garnish with a twist of orange peel. Enjoy!

Be warned, these things have quite a kick. I was a bit fuzzy round the edges this morning :} In order to work off the fuzziness we went to see John Barrowman strutting his stuff in the panto. He was fabulous as always but was very nearly upstaged by a very beautiful and very clever performing horse!

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a thoroughly lazy boxing day!

real life, indefatigable, christmas, drink

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