Because nothing says Christmas...

Dec 27, 2011 14:12 a Navy Records Society tome of Naval Courts Martial, 1793 - 1815 XD This was one of my Christmas presents from partner and the beautiful silver and glass ship is from the wonderful volgivagant.

Huge thanks to everybody for all the gorgeous gifts and beautiful cards sent from far and wide :) And special thanks to those who also sent gifts to toots, she is a very lucky girl to have so many extraordinarily generous fangirl aunties :D We are now looking forward to building pirate ships, making pirate pictures, reading about pirates (in German. I'll get partner to do that bit!) while wearing the splendid pirate scarf. Aaaarrrr!

And once we've done that I will settle down to read Showell Styles The Quarterdeck Ladder, Roland Peitsch's The Real Jim Hawkins: Ships Boys in the Georgian Navy, Sue Parrill's Nelson's Navy in Fiction and Film and Alex Beecroft's False Colours, from partner; Dudley Jarrett's British Naval Dress from nodbear and a beautifully bound edition of Basil Hall's Travels in India, Ceylon and Borneo from esteven. And then I'll have to find time to watch HMS Defiant, Persuasion (the Ciaran Hinds one), Amazing Grace and Captain Horatio Hornblower. What better way to spend the New Year?!

naval, books, ships, christmas, age of sail

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