Title: So Foul and Fair a Day
Author: Anteros
Characters: Horatio Hornblower, Archie Kennedy
Rating: PG
Words: 1220
Notes: An unexpected plot bunny inspired by
Aftermath but taking her Macbeth analogy in a rather different direction.
The gunroom was uncommonly quiet. )
Comments 10
I loved the description of the lost leg, well 'loved' is the wrong word, 'grossed out by' is more accurate but that means it works. :P
The vinegar is very evocative isn't it? Melville says it's necessary to stop the decks smelling like the shambles. Yuk! And apologies for grossing you out ;)
Once again you've managed to convey realistic intimacy between H & A and keep it in context.
The other thing that's amazing is that no one else has written a similar piece - and I can claim to have read extensively in this fandom, not only slash. Great to see fresh takes on things like this.
Clever Shakespearean allusions as well.
Enjoyed it.
He's certainly provided me with a wealth of detail, I just hope the American navy wasn't too dissimilar from the British! :)
Once again you've managed to convey realistic intimacy between H & A and keep it in context.
Thank goodness for that. Context and character are everything!
amazing is that no one else has written a similar piece
I've always thought Archie's slightly mad post battle behavior required a little explanation. That's euphoria couldn't last...
Thanks again for reading, enjoying and commenting! :D
emerging briefly from the huge pile of boxes!
Hehe, the image that came to my mind was this. :D
I've always thought that's what really makes H&A's relationship. There's such an obvious closeness, what with all those fleeting touches and glances that speak volumes *sigh*
Hehe, the image that came to my mind was this.
Rofl! Yup, that's just about right!
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