Apr 19, 2004 00:00
I've become increasingly sick and tired of people. More specifically, the people in my life. Maybe it's because I see how hopeless they are or maybe it's something else. All I do know is that a good 4 people in my life are the only one's I view as worthwhile.
And to be honest, 4 friends is MORE than enough. Some, if not most, of you worry about HOW MANY people you have in your life rather than the quality of these people. All they are to you are baseballs cards, and when you're done with them or when you see one that you believe to be better, you trade them away. The saddest part about this is that sometimes you trade away good people for bad people, and when you don't stop to take a look at a person's qualities you often end up right in the dirt.
But don't expect me to pick you up and dust you off. And don't expect me to be card #443 in your collection.
I've made serious changes in my life and I still am chaning. I'm in the process of eliminating all the bad in my life and trading it for GOOD. Something many of you should learn to do. So many of you have your priorities in life completely ass-backwards, and it saddens me. Some of you have so much at your finger tips while others don't have a fraction of what you do, and all you do is take it for granted. You throw it alongside your collection of "friends" and materialistic bullshit that mommy and daddy bought for you.
Your apartment.
Your education.
Your internet access.
Your car insurance.
Your food.
Your clothes.
You take it ALL for granted. And when you lose it all and realize how much you had and how much you lost you can sure as fuck bet with the last bit of money that you have that I will be right there laughing in your face.
As David Icke would say...
It's wakey-wakey time, assholes.