The hot trend in kitten toys

Sep 29, 2006 09:14

The boss kitten toy for fall is the empty 12-pack Coke can box, the sort you put in your fridge to dispense cans from the end. This toy has two kitten play modes ( Read more... )


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the joy of boxes for beasties theblackmare September 30 2006, 02:33:54 UTC
Alex LOVES boxes: first s/he [don't know which] chews a hole in the side to become an auxillary entrance or window, then the bird goes right inside and begins shredding the interior for nesting material. I tend to stuff boxes with toilet paper rolls, smaller boxes, etc. to keep Alex busy for longer.

There comes a moment in life when you know you are no longer in charge when you select your eggs according to which cartons are the most favored bird chew toys [paper pulp, not styrofoam or clear plastic]. And your friends bring you their empty t.p. and paper towel rolls as a matter of course, and when new phone books come out, a whole pile of old ones magically appears on by the kitchen door by from everyone who knows how much Zane loves to reduce them to itty bitty confetti. He is my Official Confidential Documents Handler.

In grad school I kept a gerbil. When I got back dissertation chapters from my asshole advisor, I would skim his remarks and then drop the draft into the cage. Twenty minutes later it was bedding, and I felt better.

Have you given Mina a tuna can to lick clean yet?


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