oh dear

Oct 19, 2014 20:56

I seem to have 3 stories in progress and a new-ish fandom. Are any of you into the Twelfth Doctor at all? Does fandom still exist here or has it all gone away?

fandom:doctor who

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Comments 18

rahirah October 20 2014, 04:07:21 UTC
I'm a long-time Doctor Who fan (since the Third Doctor was on). I've never been deeply involved in the fandom, but there are several people on my flist writing DW meta, so I assume it still exists on LJ somewhere.


antennapedia October 20 2014, 17:57:51 UTC
I've observed massive activity on Tumblr, though of course conversation is impossible there, so meh. Hello again!


rahirah October 21 2014, 03:10:08 UTC
You might want to check out elisi's journal -- she writes a lot of DW meta and reviews, and she can probably point you to whatever fandom exists on LJ.


draconin October 20 2014, 04:12:28 UTC
I'm trying to resist but finding myself more and more put off by the petulant, childishness of the newest Doctor. His constant belittling of everyone is getting old fast. I thought Clara's telling off was going to be the turning point but she's apparently just rolled ove, surrendered and decided to cop the abuse. Not impressed.


rebcake October 20 2014, 04:41:05 UTC
I like the Twelfth, but I wouldn't say I was hugely into the fandom. elisi is who you want to talk to for all thing Doctor.


antennapedia October 20 2014, 17:57:08 UTC
Noted! Logged! And hello!


clocketpatch October 20 2014, 04:46:36 UTC
There's definitively still fandom going on on my flist though not as much as there used to be. I'm enjoting 12 and finding him to have a very strong and consistent series so far. The abuse and lies and co-dependance betwewn him and Clara is getring a bit wearing though. It'
S so far not been wnough to turn me off but i do hope ir is resolved in the finale


antennapedia October 20 2014, 17:56:31 UTC
I suspect the lies & co-dependence are the focus of the character arc this season, which is working out so far to be the most interesting one I've seen in NuWho. Especially nice since it follows a really weak season with a very inconsistent characterization of Clara. The writers have figured her out now & Coleman is a good actor, so it's going somewhere. And I think Capaldi is the best actor in the role since McCoy (nod to Tennant), so if they get can the writing right it'll be brilliant.

Or so I hope. Moffat doesn't have a good track record with observing the emotional consequences of his storylines.


clocketpatch October 20 2014, 19:39:35 UTC
I'm with you. I'm worried that the character arc won't have a good resolution to make up for the discomfort its causing while watching... but that discomfort itself is a sign that I care about these characters and they are having an emotional impact. This has amazing potential and I hope it realizes it.

I also think that both actors are brilliant and form one of the strongest casts, talent-wise, ever seen on the show.


snickfic October 20 2014, 14:39:41 UTC
I don't watch Who and have nothing useful to say on that count; I just wanted to say how nice it is to see you around again. :)


antennapedia October 20 2014, 17:53:58 UTC
And it is indeed a pleasure to see the same names & icons again after all these months!


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