Kinks and tropes and omgwtfbbqs.

Jun 02, 2012 21:22

Alpha-beta-omega fic at 7K words and rising. I know what the plot is; I know what all the character arcs are; I now just need to write a lot of, well, sex. Without devolving into hydraulics.

Wittering on ABO-verse stuff follows… )

fic wittering

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Comments 7

snickfic June 3 2012, 04:40:23 UTC
I don't know why soul-bonding is included on that list. I guess she's referring to the idea of one's 'true mate'? But that seems to come into werewolf AUs specifically a lot more than a/b/o in general. And anyway, it seems peculiar to me to consider 'soul bond' synonymous with 'bond via biological imperative'.


antennapedia June 3 2012, 05:56:45 UTC
Yeah, to me "soul bond" implies some kind of spiritual or magical or supernatural connection. Telepathy, empathy, some kind of sharing of energy that's at a different level from emotional bonding like we do with each other in real life. I can see how the werewolf variants might have a supernatural connection thing going. But in the universe of BBC Sherlock? Erk.


clavally June 3 2012, 05:28:00 UTC
That guide was one of the funniest things I've read all week in a smh "Oh, fandom" kinda way. I've never wanted to read an ABO story for 2 of 3 elements you're leaving out of your story, so I look forward to reading yours!


antennapedia June 3 2012, 05:57:54 UTC
Supernatural fandom has some very very strange subcultures. I mean, Harry Potter fandom was large and eccentric, but only SPN has a category in its kink meme for "original male dog" characters.


clavally June 3 2012, 06:00:24 UTC
and that is why I'm very careful when searching out fic in that fandom!


stexgirl2000 June 3 2012, 07:05:09 UTC
The Archive of Our Own piece's tone cracked me up. The comment about F/F ABO made me laugh out loud. As did the line about the laundry. Oh fandom, think about the laundry!


beatrice_otter June 4 2012, 00:15:53 UTC
I've read some ABO fics; the only one I can remember as really interesting was a Sherlock one about Moriarty and Moran. Moriarty was the one that goes into heat, he and Moran were lovers but Moran was the type that can't respond to heat. So Moran would arrange for someone else to take care of Moriarty during his heat, and at least one of the two of them is a sociopath so they had some ... interesting relationship issues even without the ABO stuff, which was an added level of messed-up on top of it.


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