I drank several margaritas to get through these movies.

May 12, 2012 12:13

My week was crazy-busy and quite stressful and now it is the weekend and I am still stressed. My to-do list for the day is very long. Coffee beans, cat fud (as I like to say it), grocery shopping, laundry, dishes, cook for the week as far as possible, make it out to see the Whedon Avengers movie at last. That should happen later this afternoon.

Last weekend we watched all of the existing Marvel comic-book-superhero movies as preparation. Note that in general I find comic book plots kinda amazingly stupid and eye-rolling, so I have to be in the mood for cheese to sit through these movies. In order of goodness, best to worst:

* Thor: compelling villain with believable conflict & motivations; the only one of these movies to feature acting instead of mugging at the camera
* Iron Man 1: RDJ plays himself, but it's entertaining and charming; marred by muddled politics
* Captain America: a waste of Hugo Weaving; loltastic idiotic comic-book portrayal of WWII that failed various believability tests; predictable script that had us calling out events before they happened; almost saved by a pleasantly beefy male lead with an earnest anti-bullying message
* Iron Man 2: a completely tedious retread of the first Iron Man movie, featuring more RDJ mugging at the camera being a star; almost saved by the Tony/Pepper smooch

I didn't watch The Hulk because I had had enough stupidity for one weekend. Mr P liked it. Am I to understand His Nortonness doesn't play Bruce Banner in the new movie?

whedon, reviews

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