IFTTT keeps informing me that it's raining.

Apr 26, 2012 09:33

Thank you for your notes yesterday. I will say so more personally this evening, I hope. I am spending my day AFK running around madly. This is my moment of coffee-drinking pause before I launch myself into motion. Rocket-propelled motion.

Speaking of rockets: Apollo program source code! Linking to the Hacker News discussion not the source link, ( Read more... )

programming, random, recs

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shibela April 29 2012, 05:39:05 UTC

So, you asked for some recs.... I hope I'm not too late with them? Unfortunately, I seem to swing more towards the Watson-centric, so while I do have a few favorites that are Mycroft-centric, I am finding that a lot of my favorite Mycroft stories are actually Watson-centric. With that in mind, I tried to separate it out a bit, so you can read them if you choose or not.

A couple of my favorite Mycroft-centric fics:

"(however improbable)" by Sarah T -- Alien!Holmes Family is a must-read. (~5,200wds.)

"Gravitational Resonance" by ivywatcher focuses on Mycroft during the events of The Great Game. (~3,000wds.)

"On Umbrellas" by list_of_lists is a short piece on Mycroft & his burgeoning relationship with his umbrella....umm, that came out kinkier than I expected - just for clarification, there is no kink involved. (475wds.)

"Regret, Shared" by mariole has Mycroft meeting Watson shortly after The Fall. (~2,200wds.)

"Road Hazards" by awanderingbard happens pre-series -- Mycroft gives Sherlock driving lessons -- very funny. (~1,700wds.)

And a few (okay, maybe a bit more than a few) of my favorite fics that have Mycroft as a main side-character:

"Observation Of A Consulting Detective In His Natural Habitat" by scribble55178 -- While the focus is on Watson's POV, Mycroft & his penchant for using the CCTV is the lynchpin for this story. (~3,600wds.)

"you'll never be alone in the bone orchard" by Sarah T -- another story where Watson is the main focus, but Mycroft is the driving force behind Watson's actions in what ends up being an AU twist on several canon events that ends a bit dark. (~9,100wds.) (As a bit of a side-note, Sarah T is one of my favorite gen!fic authors.)

"Family Dynamics" by flawedamythyst -- Genetically-engineered!Holmes brothers.... while Mycroft is not the main focus, nor even the main character, he plays a sizable role in the course of the story. (~15,800wds.)

The Push!verse series by lindentreeisle is a Sherlock (BBC) / Push (the movie) fusion mainly focused on Watson, but the 2nd story in the series is all about Mycroft, and he does make an appearance in the 1st story as well as the 6th story in the series. (Series total = ~29,400wds.)

"The Problem of Time Management" by Castiron is another story from Watson's POV, but....Mycroft's role / influence in it is pretty humorous, especially with the twist towards the end of the story. (~1,600wds.)

"The Adoption of John Watson Holmes" by cyerus focuses on the interactions between Sherlock, Watson, & Mycroft in the context of family (sibling rivalry) to the point where Mycroft & Sherlock realize that Watson may just be Mummy's favorite 'son' now. (It's crack, and not really what you're asking for, but I love the idea of seeing Mycroft & Sherlock interact with each other in the presence of Mummy. And adding Watson to that mix....? Priceless.) (~2,900wds.)

-- to be continued below... --


antennapedia April 29 2012, 05:42:29 UTC
AH! Much love! Thank you. I'm willing to read far beyond Mycroft-y gen, to be honest, so long as it's good stuff, and rec lists are pure gold.


antennapedia April 29 2012, 06:21:58 UTC
"you'll never be alone in the bone orchard" was fan-freaking-tastic. So nasty on its characters. Yum.


antennapedia April 29 2012, 15:24:51 UTC
"Family Dynamics" was frustrating. Great premise & setup. Flawed by the fairly stupid behavior and stupid, easily-foiled plot by an allegedly ultra-smart Moriarty, along with a chess game I found implausible. At least the chess game wasn't described in detail, which would have made it worse.

"However Improbable" was again awesome. Sarah T is obviously the real deal. Nom nom nom.

"Regret, Shared": nice piece.


shibela May 1 2012, 08:24:17 UTC

I'm glad you're enjoying these -- especially Sarah T's fics. I've found that author to always deliver great fic, often with a nice punch to the gut or a twist & squeeze of the heart -- I was first introduced to this author via SGA fic, which quite a few are John/Teyla pairing (more like UST pairing, but a lot of angst, anyway). If you ever decide to read any of Sarah T's SGA fic, my 2 favorites are "The New Frontier" (canon!AU, sort of Apoca!fic with a lovely ambiguity, gen!fic with a hint of past John/Teyla pairing or at least UST pairing) & "Pavane for No Princess" (John/Teyla pairing, very angsty sexual fic, not exactly a happy ending in the non-euphemistic meaning of the phrase).

I can't tell you how much I was hoping that others would rec / link to their favorite Mycroft!fic. :D


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