Sherlock s02e03

Jan 15, 2012 23:49

Discussed behind the cut.

The aforementioned cut… )

fandom:sherlock holmes

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miranda_askher January 18 2012, 05:06:27 UTC
I actually thought this episode was much better, certainly more engrossing, than ASiB or THoB. Both of those eps were good, but they felt scattered and overcomplicated sometimes.

I was nervous about RF because the writer was responsible for one of the worst, IMO, DW episodes I've seen (the one with the pirate ship this past season). But I thought that despite spanning months, this story was tighter and less weighed down with miscellany than the others. I thought the emotional impact was right on, compelling and touching without being overdramatic. And if you're starting with "The Final Problem"--hell, if you're starting with anything ACD wrote--not being overdramatic is quite an achievement.

Plot-wise? I don't think Moriarty's dead a bit. I think the turn-up is going to be that Richard Brook actually was an actor, and Moriarty is still out there pulling the strings. Insane or not, nobody forces their archenemy's death by committing suicide first. If he was going to do that, he could have skipped the season and let Sherlock shoot the bomb in the pool.

ETA: if that actually was Moriarty who shot himself, I will be massively disappointed and agree with everything you said. :) Crazy don't cut it.

I'm peeved with Mycroft for being an idiot, but I think he must know Sherlock's alive. Mycroft has shown remarkable talent for faking violent deaths this season ("flight of the dead" in ASiB). What I really want to know: (1) if Mycroft had Moriarty, when, and (2) why did he let Moriarty go?

Miscellany: Molly is actually awesome, Lestrade is beautifully conflicted and why don't we see more of him, and the writer gets MASSIVE points for meta re: recreating the Holmes canon, which I will glee over at a later date. And finally, Martin Freeman is indeed incredible. Whenever the next season of Sherlock airs, it's OK--either it will be before The Hobbit, or we'll have the Hobbit to tide us over!!

And ETA again: "He won't live. But who does?" Are you paraphrasing Blade Runner? Saw that (for the first time, geek cred FAIL) this weekend. Followed it up with Never Let Me Go (read: "we won't live, but who does?") and then this. Apparently this is my week for AAAANGST.


antennapedia January 18 2012, 05:29:00 UTC
It's interesting how I come out of this impressed to hell and back by Freeman, not by Cumberbatch. It feels like Holmes's actor has the easier job here and throughout. If I think about what BC is doing with the part, I'm more impressed. And certainly I completely believe him as a modern Holmes. But he doesn't rivet me the way even Mark Gatiss does as Mycroft. And Freeman just knocked my socks off in "Scarlet" and in every one since.

I am indeed paraphrasing Blade Runner. Death is inevitable, I was thinking, so ... either you take the optimistic view and enjoy what you can (ending of BR) or you take Moriarty's approach: blow your brains out. The Final Problem is how to avoid death. You can't. Blam.

I don't get Moriarty. Don't. Somebody needs to explain him to me. Or I have to rewatch it all looking for insight. I dunno.


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