Unwanted evangelism.

Nov 01, 2011 21:38

What, you want an entry? It's November now! I wrote an entry a day in October and that's enough of that!

Okay, I did have a topic for today. I have been reading off and on on the flist that people have stories on this computer and not that computer and can or can't work on them as a result. This means that these unfortunates are not using Dropbox. ( Read more... )


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the_emu November 2 2011, 08:06:34 UTC

We used it at camp this year - in theory, a great way to keep all the theatre departments on the same page - but it noticeably slowed down the computers - Macs - I'd installed it on. And it was definitely Dropbox, because they picked up when I shut it down.

So while I really like the theory, I haven't been eager to install it at home. Even if there are fewer files bouncing around here.



daiseechain November 2 2011, 10:49:37 UTC
I'm surprised to hear that it slows your Macs down.

We have several Macs in the house and it's made no noticeable difference to them at all. We've been using it for, um, I want to say a couple of years but I'm not sure it's been that long. Well over a year at any rate. Currently synching between two Macs, one iphone, one android phone, and one mac running on a PC. All good. Except when the home server crashes, but that's an entirely different issue :-D


the_emu November 3 2011, 12:47:48 UTC
It is possible that it was slow because it was shared between a lot of departments, with a lot of fat files.

I may try it again at some point. I just haven't been eager after that experience.



antennapedia November 2 2011, 14:22:21 UTC
That's abnormal behavior even with a zillion files, except at the very first dropbox launch/sync. I would first ask if the machines were running the latest and keeping themselves updated. This company seems to be pretty good at continual small improvements to their software. But I dunno.


the_emu November 3 2011, 12:48:40 UTC
They must have been running the latest - dropbox was only installed for the summer.

I probably should try it again. When I get around to it...



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