Ficpoll of Insensitivity (Sea of Tranquility Mix)

Sep 06, 2011 16:06

I've been on a cheesy uplifting trance kick recently. But instead of that you should listen to some post rock. Specifically, The Candlepark Stars, All the Little Things. It is completely gorgeous. The link is to Bandcamp, so you can listen to the whole thing before you buy, and then buy in any format ( Read more... )


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Comments 8

cooljello September 7 2011, 00:53:33 UTC
Did you realize your dispatches are significantly more amusing and insightful than some writer's entire fic canon? Carry on.


antennapedia September 7 2011, 22:24:02 UTC
Ah, they can't be! Too short.

Though maybe I'll start writing in haiku.


beatrice_otter September 7 2011, 01:25:02 UTC
I comment if I have something to say, if it is a fic platform that allows easy commenting, and if it's not a fic that a member of the congregation would throw a fit about me reading (kink, slash, etc).

I love AO3 for many reasons, and one of them is that when I like a fic but can't think of anything to say besides "I liked this fic" I can click a button to let the author know I liked it and don't have to sit there wracking my brains for something, anything, to say that doesn't make me sound like an idiot.


antennapedia September 7 2011, 22:47:19 UTC
I get almost zero comments on AO3, far fewer than from In neither place is there conversation about the fic, which is what I like about LJ. It is easy and fun to zing kudos/like/+1/favorite around, however. Way less stressful. But archives are not about conversation. They're about long-term storage. I don't expect comments there.

The other secret is that just about any comment makes a typical fic writer happy. (I have seen some cranky ones who leap on excuses to attack commenters, but they're not the rule.)


eachman September 7 2011, 16:49:53 UTC
I would sacrifice a reasonably sized animal for 'Iceland', if that's the continuation of 'Dormant' which is one of my favourites by you.


antennapedia September 7 2011, 22:13:05 UTC
The story with the working title "Iceland" is indeed the continuation of "Dormant". I like that story too.


chevron17 September 19 2011, 05:50:30 UTC
Just here proving that I do leave comments :-)

Really, though, Iceland sounds wonderful. I can gladly help _eachman_ with the animal sacrifice if necessary. I was there for about two hours one time on a refueling stop on the way to Luxemburg about 30 years ago. I can still feel it in my soul - what a hauntingly beautiful place, and I didn't even get off the airport grounds!

So that I'm ready when Iceland comes out . . . can you tell me where to find "Dormant", pretty please? I never pass up an op to read your fic 8-) .

Hilarious poll, thanks for the giggle!


antennapedia September 19 2011, 15:14:34 UTC

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