Labeling kinks, oh dear.

Aug 17, 2011 22:43

The perils of categorization! I was trying to bookmark this stunning prompt: Buffy/Xander: Buffy impresses Xander with her knowledge of Star Trek through sex and I could not decide what the kink was. Though there is one, I'm sure of that. Nerdiness? General geek chic? In the end I left the kink unlabeled. That prompt is so awesome, though. My props to the person who made it.

I wish I were faster at writing to these prompts. I am molasses. I will attempt to speed myself up, though. The meme could use some more fills , since it boasts the usual lopsided prompt:fill ratio. Do browse the list and adopt a prompt. Or five.

Zombies: Run For Your Lives 5K. I knew there was a reason I have been pursuing fitness! Alas, it's on the other coast.

prompt, life explosion

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