Research list as long as my arm, check.

Mar 08, 2011 16:04

What I just googled for: the height in feet and inches of the Queen of England. Ah, the absurdity. (Buffy is really short. I'm sure you knew that, but she's short. I'm just coming to grips with it.) Have also been skimming for the meanings of heraldry symbols and other nonsense. I'll probably get it all wrong, so that means I'll need to be sketchy ( Read more... )

fandom, music, fic wittering

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antennapedia March 14 2011, 05:43:50 UTC
I'm torn. On the one hand, I want to tell people, fairly, what sort of story they're about to read so they can choose whether they want to read it. In the mood for crying over death fic? Here you go. In desperate need of something cheerful with kittens? Skip this story, go for that other story, the one with kittens.

On the other hand, I cannot be responsible for other people's emotional health. Warnings do not make people safe. Instead they create a dangerous illusion of safety. There's a warning header on this story! I can go ahead and read it... only to find that there's a vivid depiction of spiders biting people. Now I'm angry that the author didn't warn for spiders. How was the author supposed to know to warn for spiders? Or any of the other diverse triggers that might exist? Can't be done. Mix this with a fandom culture that has historically used "warning" to mean "stuff in this story that's an advertisement to half the audience and an anti-ad for the other half", like kink, and you've got a mess.

My solution is content labeling. If the rating, summary, and tags aren't enough to figure out if you should read a particular story, guess you'd better find another solution. (Generic you, of course.)


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