In search of drunken prompts.

Dec 27, 2010 11:06

My god, sometime during the endless edits on the Drunken Giles prompt claim page (sign up now! now!) I managed to bomp the "don't email comments" button on the edit form and save the post that way. So there I was, thinking people had stopped claiming prompts. They, um, hadn't. Doh. Remedied.

I hope nobody was waiting to start, oh god oh god.

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Comments 6

seldomifever December 27 2010, 20:39:23 UTC
I was really hoping you'd write a few Giles/Xander stories. Lord knows the world needs more of them. :P


brutti_ma_buoni December 27 2010, 22:10:20 UTC
The pairings so far untaken I would love to see are Giles/Olivia, either prompt there. And a Giles/Wesley. And, obviously, Giles/Harmony... No?

For pairings you might *want* to write, G/X 70 or 77 look great in different ways. The last G/E could be fun. I don't tend to read Giles/Buffy, but I can see 29 lending itself to angst or pr0n and I promise I'll read it if you write for this!


nemaihne December 28 2010, 05:18:57 UTC
Heh, the "Drunken Giles Watchers prompt claim page"... ;D


antennapedia December 29 2010, 06:23:22 UTC

Wait, I'm not nearly drunk enough right now. Well, at *all*, if I'm honest. I am sort of caffeined up way too late for it to be sensible.


horrorfangirl December 31 2010, 17:06:22 UTC
When I claimed my two prompts, I forgot to ask, Can I post my fics om allthejellies and my LJ?


antennapedia December 31 2010, 17:37:49 UTC
You can post anywhere you like! I'll be putting up the master list post at midnight GMT tonight. Sometime after you post, please comment on the master list post with a link to your story, and I'll add it to the list.


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