Thank you, cat, my ever-faithful alarm clock.

Nov 28, 2010 07:38

We saw Red last night at last and enjoyed it. There was nothing particularly original or innovative about it. You could, if you wished, set your watch by the plot points. But I didn't care. The three-act structure is there to let competent movie-makers build competent entertainment upon it. This movie was fun and well-made and featured Helen Mirren ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

daiseechain November 28 2010, 17:14:32 UTC

with a Desert Eagle

According to a quiz a while back, this is the gun I am best matched with. I suspect it would actually wrench my arm out of my socket if I really tried to use one.

My brain spluttered at the thought of Helen Mirren with a machine gun. The two concepts will just not mesh in my head.

Is it that the last movie was an incoherently directed mess?

Ooh, ooh! Door number 3, please! I mean seriously, Ron's house burns down and the next second he's laughing around the corridors at school? If JKR hadn't written a plot in the first place, I think the whole movie would have been plotless as well as pointless. The director missed the whole point of her books!. *sigh* /rant.

Your cats are trying to keep your fingers warm and flexible with their body heat.


antennapedia November 28 2010, 19:56:40 UTC
Somebody I was talking to on Thanksgiving Day was telling me about the time he & some other friends shot deagles in Nevada or something like that. Big noise, big kick. Use both hands? Sounded like pointless fun. I'd like to try shooting that and maybe a shotgun some day, just so I know what it feels like.

Mirren fires the machine gun while wearing a lovely white dress. And practical boots, which the movie takes pains to show her changing into from her heels. It is complete *nonsense*, but very fun nonsense with a fun ensemble cast, all of whom get to play competent retired secret agents. I have a serious competence kink and this movie hit it!

I really hated the HPVI movie. I suspected it would have been incomprehensible without the book as background. I am told that HPVII is a better movie than the previous one, but that's a relative measure. Sigh.


stexgirl2000 November 28 2010, 17:48:48 UTC
I really enjoyed Red as well. If anything, I wanted more Helen Mirren in it, picking off baddies with her sniper rifle. The whole movie was fun and as I said to the husband afterward I didn't care that it was totally different from Warren Ellis' original comic. (I also enjoyed looking at Karl Urban-that made me happy as well. I did not care that he was going after Bruce Willis. He is so very pretty.)


antennapedia November 28 2010, 19:49:33 UTC
He's got the character arc that reveals him to be a good guy at the end, so you can enjoy his eyebrows and his little snarl with a clear conscience.


clocketpatch November 29 2010, 02:46:43 UTC
I haven't really seen any of the Harry Potter movies... yes... I know... but I do know several people who skipped off class to see the last one on opening day, in hand-knitted Gryffindor scarves no less.

This Red movie looks like fun. Thanks for making me aware of its existence. :D


lynnylou November 29 2010, 06:37:23 UTC
I went and saw the new Harry Potter movie and I have to agree that you would really have to have read the book to understand what is going on. I went to it on the first night it was released, and I was disappointed I really could have waited for it to come out on dvd. I do hope the next movie is better. The movie Red sound interesting I will have to check it out sometime!


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