I should make an "entitlement" tag just for this entry.

Nov 07, 2010 12:03

How I know it's raining: the cats are on top of me at a time of day when they're normally invisible. Plus the roof of the back deck is an awesome white noise generator when it's raining. It's a nice place to sit and work at the moment, so long as I'm bundled up in a blanket ( Read more... )

pets, recs

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Comments 6

seldomifever November 7 2010, 22:12:57 UTC
<3 <3 Teacher's Pet! I also adore Love Heals All. Coss's BG work makes me very, very happy. Well, except for that Paul and Roger storyline. I could never get into that series, but maybe that's because of my deep dislike of OCs.


antennapedia November 8 2010, 23:10:59 UTC
I couldn't get into the Paul & Roger stories either. And "Mexico" baffled me. But "Love Heals All" and "Friends and Lovers" yes please!


seldomifever November 9 2010, 13:47:37 UTC
I just re-read Teacher's Pet. I still think it's super wonderful, but my one major complaint is that Rari makes that 12 yr old girl sound like she's about 6. Eh, maybe 8. Big pet peeve: most people cannot write children to save their lives. Makes me wish they'd simply avoid trying to do it altogether.


katleaf November 16 2010, 21:51:20 UTC
I was just thinking that myself. I thought some of Heather's immaturity could be due to her upbringing, but it seemed too much. I couldn't imagine any 12 year old climbing into someone's lap all the time.

Other than that - this is a wonderful story, and presses my h/c button in good ways. Thank you for the rec, antennapedia!


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