Ah, Gordon, good to see you.

May 30, 2010 13:36

Remix authors are revealed! And we learn that anyjay wrote the lovely "Daisy Chains" that many of you enjoyed just as much as I did. I myself committed Whofic for the Remix, which is why none of you were in danger of having accidentally read it and guessed it was me.

Spent yesterday alternating between replaying Half-Life 2 and writing two different ( Read more... )

remix, gaming, fandom:house

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Comments 4

seldomifever May 30 2010, 22:04:14 UTC
I agree, Hugh is an excellent actor, but I hated that last ep. And the end? Oof! I did have the feeling, though, that if I'd been shipping those two for years, I would have been ecstatic, but for a newbie, it seemed completely contrived and ridiculous. Made this whole season feel like filler. Next season will give us what this one should have: Cuddy and House slogging through the tough stuff.


antennapedia May 30 2010, 22:13:06 UTC
I will confess that I've been shipping them for ages, and that I felt the season ender last year was one of the scorchingest things that has ever scorched my TV screen, so I was more pleased than somebody who doesn't would have been. The season was about him becoming worthy of her. He continues to dip her pigtails in inkwells to express his affection, but he had to move past that and grow up considerably. The season has been about him behaving better and not necessarily seeing any rewards for it. (People persist in mistaking his motives, for instance ( ... )


seldomifever May 30 2010, 22:29:32 UTC
Yeah, you know, it was her part in it that made no sense. The guy she's been with all season was really nice (aside from that dumb ep where he destroys Wilson's house). He was great with her daughter, he was incredibly supportive. Why would she go from agreeing to marry him to taking a chance on House? I hated that she was MIA most of this season. We should have seen more of how hard it was for her to let House go.


antennapedia May 31 2010, 01:11:20 UTC
We should have seen more of how hard it was for her to let House go.

Yes, this, exactly. Instead we got her treating him horribly at Thanksgiving, for instance.


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