Where was I?

Mar 07, 2010 15:19

I am still sick, but finally on the mend. It was nothing more than a bad head cold, but I found it annoying. I hate being sick. Fortunately, it happens only rarely. It does mean that I've spent the past week asleep, mostly. And when awake, I blow my nose. Snorfle.

Prompt: For het_idcrack, someone prompted with "Buffy/Giles. During a knighting ceremony (by ( Read more... )

prompt, ash

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Comments 4

nutterbudgie March 8 2010, 03:46:27 UTC
That'd do, very believable prompt, I mean who wouldn't? I just want new B/G, don't care which prompt.


nemaihne March 8 2010, 06:32:12 UTC
Advil Cold & Sinus is the best friend someone with a headcold can have. It's so good it's controlled. (Pseudoephedrine)
Hope you and Mr. Tenna feel better soon.


antennapedia March 8 2010, 22:41:51 UTC
Mr P is well, but he was busy wrangling the workmen replacing our fence this weekend and today. I am finally better! I got out of the house today!


antennapedia March 8 2010, 22:42:37 UTC
Okie dokie. :D


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