A post with three links in it, two of them Ethan-ish.

Feb 09, 2010 14:44

Is Ethan Rayne evil? Discuss! My answer: classic chaotic neutral. As Giles says, sadistic and self-centered. The mess amuses him, and he's not concerned with more than his own amusement. Usually. (It's fun to put him in circumstances where something does turn out to matter to him. From this conflict does story arise ( Read more... )

ethan, fandom:btvs, fic wittering

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Comments 11

secondalto February 9 2010, 22:58:25 UTC
I agree with chaotically neutral. But I do love his impish nature. It's a very fun kind of bad. Hmmm....I should write him more often, I really liked including him in last year's Old Enemy.


antennapedia February 10 2010, 16:06:19 UTC
In a town where most of the baddies are trying to cause apocalypse, or are eating classfuls of high school students, Ethan's brand of evil doesn't seem so evil.


clocketpatch February 9 2010, 23:18:46 UTC
If he is then so is Giles, since I at least got the impression that he was much worse in his time. but then you walk into the moral redemption question etc. etc.

I second the Giles/Spike request, because I ship that harder than anything in that fandom.


seldomifever February 9 2010, 23:48:00 UTC
Heh. I was just asking my daughter what she thought about Ethan and she said, "I love how you guys are such dorks and are actually talking about this." Put me in my place.


nutterbudgie February 10 2010, 06:03:43 UTC
The word is 'geek', we are 'Buffy geeks' - we're the fans that say 'In "Graduation part 1" yada yada' & the actors think "OMG it was the writers!"


seldomifever February 10 2010, 08:33:18 UTC
I know. Dorks sounds so harsh, doesn't it? Of course, my parents can't hear the word geek without thinking of someone who bites off chicken heads, but then, they're old.


antennapedia February 10 2010, 22:33:43 UTC
"Dork" sounds somehow more affectionate than "geek" to me, not sure why.


fuzzyboo03 February 10 2010, 03:55:05 UTC
I'm pretty sure janedavitt wrote some. I can dig up the link if you haven't seen it.


antennapedia February 10 2010, 06:47:17 UTC
"Behind Closed Doors"? Yeah, that's an interesting one, and the story that got me started with kinky Giles.


fuzzyboo03 February 10 2010, 06:48:00 UTC
That'd be the one.


truwest February 10 2010, 04:58:07 UTC
Hmm,I've vote for chaotic evil rather than neutral. Neutral to me means the character demonstrates that s/he can go back and forth either way....whereas Ethan's range seems more neutral-tending-towards-bad than true neutral. Maybe earlier in life he started out as true neutral but has tipped more towards the bad side over time...


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