Sites I've made archival copies of in the last 24 hours

May 28, 2009 09:03

Fic archives I have freshly backed up:
Giles Writers' Zone
Bodice Ripper
the LIST (BG)

On my list to do later today:
[ list completed; next step is by-hand spot-checking the mirrors ]

Archives I'm too late to save:

I'll snag Of Demons & Destiny when it reappears, which it should do soon. I already have the BuffyGiles archive ( Read more... )


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Comments 17

supermom20 May 28 2009, 16:08:52 UTC
I emailed Dusty of ODD about possibly sharing bandwidth on, but haven't heard back from her yet. If I do, I'll send her your way.


supermom20 May 28 2009, 16:11:52 UTC
Plus, I can shoot you the old Buffy Giles Writer's Muse challenge archive The Carrot Patch if you want it.


antennapedia May 28 2009, 17:17:47 UTC
Do it, please! My lj user name @gmail.


supermom20 May 28 2009, 17:21:57 UTC


ladyforash May 28 2009, 16:14:33 UTC
That is a very awesome thing you are doing. Thank you so much. Giles would be so proud! :)


antennapedia May 28 2009, 17:18:21 UTC
Giles finds cross-referencing relaxing. Lunatic man!


seldomifever May 28 2009, 16:55:23 UTC
In my experience, the best way to fight zombies is knowing which plants to plant where.

I thought that HeadQuarters link was dead.


antennapedia May 28 2009, 17:10:01 UTC
Yeah, it is. There's an index and nothing behind it. Too late on that one. FUCK.

ETA: I like repeating peashooters behind flaming tree trunks, later upgraded to Gatling peashooters. A hail of fiery death falling on the zombies!


supermom20 May 28 2009, 17:25:38 UTC
gylzgirl, headmistress of Headquarters, has an LJ if you want to contact her that way.


antennapedia May 28 2009, 20:18:02 UTC
I will do so, ty.


beatrice_otter May 28 2009, 19:43:07 UTC
Thank you for all your work for fandom! Reformatting it all, eh? Would it then be possible to put all the stories up in one place, a central fandom archive? That would be awesome. My computer skills are limited, but let me know if I can help.


antennapedia May 28 2009, 20:20:25 UTC
Reformatting is a large task, though one that is well-suited to automation. If the archivist was a sensible and nitpicky person, which isn't always true. My first plan is to keep regular backups, then, if an archive vanishes, to mirror it unchanged.

Then maybe if I'm ambitious, I'll get things into a uniform format for consolidation.


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