A spoiler-free review of Dollhouse

Mar 23, 2009 18:20

I'm mixed on the latest Dollhouse, the mythical episode #6 that's supposed to not suck, unlike the previous 5. Which, I will confirm for you, did indeed suck. Particularly s01e05, which featured groanworthy writing right up with Whedon masterpieces like "Teacher's Pet" and "Go Fish". Number 6 sort of didn't suck. But it also sort of made me think Whedon feels contempt for his audience. Not Coen-Brothers-level contempt, but I can feel the lurking sneer.

I can see that he needed setup for this episode. He really ought to have compressed the backstory, though. Three episodes, three better episodes that restricted Dushku to roles she could handle, and my reaction might not have been, "Finally! Finally you're doing something. I could still predict every plot twist, but at least it's finally twisting!"

Is this a recommendation? Probably not. What I recommend you do is wait for season 1 to finish, then get a reaction from somebody who isn't a frothing Whedon fanboy. If your reliable non-fannish barometer likes it, you can Netflix it or something. In the meantime, if you want a good SFnal take on this chestnut of an SFnal concept, I can probably dig up some reading recs.

Random: Let's get in the mood for the Star Trek movie by watching "Spock's Brain" performed live. Or perhaps this interview with the man who staged it. Via MeFi.

whedon, random, review

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