His relationship with The Bond Girl(tm) was refreshing.

Dec 06, 2008 11:12

Today: Giles/Spike, kink meme, more birthday prompts, interspersed with housework. And my secret goal of spending as much of the day as possible under warm blankets. Also, I will probably ponder how to fill my 50 new icon slots. At last, a new LJ feature I truly care about!

Last night I saw Quantum of Solace finally, on mad impulse by nemaihne & Mr N. It did not begin as a good movie (too frenetic & improbable) but it ended as a good movie. And Craig now owns the role.

Random: The conjunction of Venus, Jupiter, and the moon from December 1. It was cloudy where I am on the first, but we got a good view of the conjunction on the night before. Lovely.


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