I've got a theory

Jul 29, 2008 13:48

I'm not satisfied with how my writing has been going recently, so I'm going to shake things up a bit.

With my second summer_of_giles day, I have met the last of my fannish deadlines. My plan is to sign up for no more things that have due dates for the near future. I'll do SoG next year, just 'cause it's Summer of Giles. But any other deadlines will be gently ( Read more... )

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Comments 32

beatrice_otter July 30 2008, 01:33:19 UTC
If you need a beta reader, I can probably do anything without explicit sex in it. Can't guarantee how quickly I can get them done, as I'm about to start my internship, but I'd be happy to help any way I can.


antennapedia July 30 2008, 02:25:11 UTC
My other resolution is: less sex more plot. To go along with the much more leisurely pace of writing and editing. I will likely beg for assistance you along with some other flistians who are active in their churches when I get deep into some storylines that involve religion. While my ability to quote from memory random bits of Psalms and the Gospels is decent, my grasp of Anglican liturgy is not. (Though I dunno how far it goes with my readers. There are two bits of biblicality in one of the G/X kink things I just posted, to go along with the Donne. I figure Giles has a mind like that, quoting Paul more or less the way Xander might quote The Matrix. I don't know if anybody noticed.)

Yammer yammer.


beatrice_otter July 30 2008, 04:06:05 UTC
Well, I heartily approve of "less sex more plot." It's not that I have anything against sex, you understand, just that there are far too many fanfic writers out there who put sex in randomly just because they want porn. And I don't read fanfic for the porn.

If it's something specific to Anglicanism or the Book of Common Prayer, I probably can't help much. Liturgy in general I'm pretty good at, and Lutheran and Anglican liturgies are fairly similar.

BTW, that snippet I posted for you and you liked, the whole thing is posted: Thine Own Self (the Lady, Be Good Remix).


antennapedia August 1 2008, 22:28:58 UTC
That story is good. Great work. (Will need to read the original, too.) But man, I had a hard time sitting still while reading the bits where Sam's mom attempts to shove her into the mold of housewife, where she just doesn't fit. Been there, suffered that, waited patiently until I could escape.


Refocussing anonymous July 30 2008, 02:33:15 UTC
I just wanted to drop a quick comment to say first, I think refocusing on craft and giving yourself more space to create and revise and live in the words is a very personal, and valid choice. I have loved reading your fics ever since I ventured into this fandom about 6 months ago...and I think maybe that is why I respect the urge to refocus - because you are that good ( ... )


Re: Refocussing antennapedia August 2 2008, 00:28:19 UTC
Congrats on your first novel! And may the revisions go well! And I will say one thing to you that my husband always says to me: "What's the difference between you and [insert writer's name here]? Oh, right, they *submitted their work*." Send it out!

I hope I don't have to go cold turkey, though. Fanfic-writing scratches an itch that's different from the one I feel when I contemplate my original-universe story ideas.


theoreme July 30 2008, 08:17:39 UTC
That list is impressive. And everything on it looks great.

Please take all the time you need, we are willing to wait for a long time for your fics. Especially longer ones. Complex ones. Wonderful ones.


antennapedia July 31 2008, 01:49:39 UTC
I think I might be more impatient that you guys are.


daiseechain July 30 2008, 12:29:34 UTC
!!! How on earth do you manage to work on so many different fic at once? I can barely keep up with a measley (measely? sp?) three or four, and most of those are very, very short.

I like the way you have a, uh, map/graph/diagram/thingy of where all your works are up to. Maybe I should do that.

Words. Broken. Gone. All. Or something. *headdesk*


antennapedia July 31 2008, 01:30:52 UTC
Maybe only three or four of those are getting active attention at any one time. For instance, the first three on the list are from the same overall storyline, so I'm jumping around in them writing as I feel the urge. Then a second storyline will be what I call my "fidget story", something I tinker with when I'm stuck on the main one.

So I'm not really working on them all at once. I just have them sitting there in my fic repository, blinking at me like cats who want to be fed.


lena7623 July 31 2008, 04:13:07 UTC
Man, just reading all of that makes me a little ill. Good luck with it all. I can't wait to see some of it.


antennapedia August 1 2008, 22:29:23 UTC
I feel excited not ill. Most of the time :)


lena7623 August 2 2008, 23:14:27 UTC
How do you make that chart of all your stories, anyway? Looks useful.


antennapedia August 5 2008, 18:45:34 UTC
It's just a simple html table, which I write by hand because I am a masochist.


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