I've got a theory

Jul 29, 2008 13:48

I'm not satisfied with how my writing has been going recently, so I'm going to shake things up a bit.

With my second summer_of_giles day, I have met the last of my fannish deadlines. My plan is to sign up for no more things that have due dates for the near future. I'll do SoG next year, just 'cause it's Summer of Giles. But any other deadlines will be gently ( Read more... )

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shapinglight July 29 2008, 21:12:57 UTC
I hope it works out for you. I took a vow not to enter any more communities/challenges earlier this year, and failed miserably to begin with. I wrote something for winter_of_angel and then something for spring_spangel because I couldn't not, and then finally I ran out of steam and decided that I had to put everything else on hiatus so I could finish AoU.

I didn't post anything in summer_of_giles and felt really bad about it. Still do, in fact.


However, things were going better until I was stupid enough to sign up for a Torchwood fandom ficathon. I can't think what came over me. I must have had a brainstorm or something.

Am never, ever doing it again.


antennapedia July 30 2008, 00:46:56 UTC
The seasonal fests are some of my favorite things, in part because I can plan for them months in advance and post something big. Which I totally failed to do this year: I stared at my dates rushing at me like a deer in the headlights. OMG bright ouch!

Torchwood ficathon: eek! I am dipping my toe into writing for Who proper, though, so who am I to criticize? (And I'm still unsure if Giles and Xander will encounter Jack in Cardiff in one of the storylines I'm working on.)


glassdarklyuk July 30 2008, 07:19:24 UTC
The stupid thing is, I don't even like Torchwood that much.


antennapedia July 31 2008, 01:53:21 UTC
It's that kiss. It made a lot of fans lose their minds with its sheer... violent enthusiasm?


shapinglight July 31 2008, 09:52:47 UTC
Yep. James gave it his all, didn't he, bless him?


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