This fan feels well-served.

Jun 28, 2008 17:24

A long series of incredibly spoilerish yays ( safely behind a cut... )

fandom:doctor who

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dimac99 June 29 2008, 12:29:03 UTC
I do wonder whether than "Hand in a Jar" back in Torchwood is going to play any part in next week's episode, vis-a-via the regeneration.

Funny you should say that, I noticed the Hand was very prominently displayed at the foot of the dias of the Tardis.

And OMG!!!!!!!!!! btw...


antennapedia June 29 2008, 16:35:09 UTC
That icon is hilarious. Hee!
(My fandom's the oldfashioned subtext kind!)


dimac99 June 29 2008, 18:32:47 UTC
Subtext is good. I love subtext. I just haven't found a Giles/Ethan icon I like lol.

On a side note, my mum recognised the UNIT dude and I looked him up - he's a gen-u-ine American from Brooklyn but she reckons he's been over here for years so that probably explains the accent. See Stuart Milligan for same. (I still can't decide if I prefer him to ASH as Adam Klaus, don't hate me lol!)


anonymous June 30 2008, 05:15:07 UTC
Jack used the hand to find the doctor a dozen eps back and the doctor confiscated it.


antennapedia June 29 2008, 16:34:05 UTC
When first I saw Harriet Jones, Member of Parliament, I said to Mr P, "Hey! It's Shaun's mum!"

They made sure they showed us the hand in a jar, so having it play into the regeneration somehow would make sense to me. (Not that I really demand the rest of this plot make sense. I'm just along for the ride here.)


anonymous June 30 2008, 05:17:45 UTC
I suspect he comes back with a third hand smack in the middle of his forehead. You didn't see _that_ coming.

I was wondering if you atomized him in the middle of regeneration, if each little speck would regenerate into a separate little Doctor Who.

Each one a few inches tall.


antennapedia June 30 2008, 05:25:31 UTC
He'd look like a character from a Doctor Seuss book!


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