Oh noes! ask me anything about the stories meme

May 27, 2008 12:37

This one seems like it'd be fun!

Ask me a question about one of my fanfictions. It can be absolutely anything in any fic and I will tell you the honest-to-god answer. Don’t hold back. Ask about major upcoming plot points if you want to. Whatever you ask, I have to answer truthfully ( Read more... )


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Comments 20

nutterbudgie May 27 2008, 21:58:28 UTC
Nobody wants to ask really spoilery things like "is Jenny gonna get killed?!" or "does Giles have the hots for Watson!?!" or even "is Ars Draconis gonna wind up B/G? cuz UST, dude!"

So I'll just ask "Who's getting teh sexored next in Blackmail?"


antennapedia May 27 2008, 22:03:21 UTC
In progress now: some Giles/Jenny pre-Blackmail kinky smut. So, sort of Jenny gets teh sexxored next. Except that I am amusing myself by writing all the kink indirectly in that one. We start with the post-coital cup of tea.

But the next segment of Blackmail proper is Giles having his weekly dinner with Xander. They do buddy things, have a guy-ish buddy conversation, and play pool. Which Giles insists on calling snooker, which Xander mocks. And then Giles goes home and sexx0rz himself, as instructed. And after that, the next section is corn-fed Iowa boy in action. Sigh. Poor Riley. I'm going to be mean to him, though none of it will be his fault.


nutterbudgie May 27 2008, 22:20:06 UTC


'k, I'm totally patient here. Yup, patient is this budgie's middle name. Uh huh. ::nod::

O crap, ok I'm begging here.


seldomifever May 27 2008, 23:12:07 UTC
Tell me what's going to happen in my motel-prompt fic I've been waiting almost patiently for.

And, hey, I was gong to ask really spoilery things about Ars Draconis, but now I can't. :(


lena7623 May 28 2008, 00:36:42 UTC
Helios Hyperion - Who's Dawn's father? I know...total spoiler if you decide to answer, but I may go insane with trying to figure it out myself.

Cloud Animals, or more specifically, the 'Partners' chapter - Why exactly did Wesley punch Giles in the face. Yes, I know about the Watcher/Slayer spell, but why did he flip out? Will we ever know?

If updates are coming to these stories soon, then I can sit on my hands an wait, otherwise, I'm OK with spoilers, because the suspense is killing me!

Loved seeing an update to An Antique Roman, by the way!


Helios Hyperion antennapedia May 28 2008, 00:45:34 UTC
Dawn's father, spoilers follow.

Dawn's father is Giles. When I first wrote the story, I thought Riley Finn was the obvious answer. The monks would have chosen the guy who was Buffy's boyfriend. But then, after I wrote "A Rooted Sorrow", I decided that the monks might instead have observed her new off-and-on relationship with Giles. And this gives me a lovely and wonderful dramatic setup. Giles resents Dawn more than a little for having caused Buffy's death. Unfairly, yes, but this saves him from having to blame Buffy for choosing suicide, which is an issue dangling unresolved. And he's about to wake up, the morning after "Fenrisulfr"/"The Santa Ana Winds" and discover his manufactured memories of her are gone. And that's she's dangerous.

And his daughter with Buffy, whom he loves beyond expression. A nice set of tensions to drive story, don't you think? I think so, anyway!


Re: Helios Hyperion lena7623 May 28 2008, 00:49:23 UTC
Ooh! I can't wait to see this fully fleshed out in a story now! I'm not too surprised about who her father is when I think about it.

Now I'm twitching even more for a new installment! Yay for stories! *Sorry, I'm on a sugar high right now.*


Partners/Cloud Animals antennapedia May 28 2008, 00:51:48 UTC
Wesley and the punch in the face:

Wesley is reacting to the Watcher summoning spell, which summoned him from LA to be with Giles. However, in the timeline this happens immediately after "Lineage", in which Wesley guns down a cyborg he thinks is his father at the time he shoots it. He's feeling touchy about his father, who is a Watcher, and suspicious and kinda wrecked inside. He doesn't want to be a Watcher, but this spell is telling him that he is. (And, secretly, also that he chooses to be one, because the spell doesn't call anybody who doesn't want to be called. Consider a religious vocation as a metaphor for this.)

And you will know. I want to finish this.


michamon May 28 2008, 13:41:29 UTC
Ars Draconis: the merging with Ryd is going to be permanent?


antennapedia May 28 2008, 18:08:33 UTC
Hmm. Cagey answer is: yes and no. I can go into more detail if you want.


michamon May 28 2008, 18:56:53 UTC
yes I want!!


antennapedia May 28 2008, 19:23:44 UTC
Giles and Ryd:

The sword hasn't been fully activated. I've given you all the clues about how, both in flashback to past rituals and in commentary about how the sword is rumored to have worked. Buffy says it outright: "it's always about blood, isn't it?" (I picked this up from S5 canon and ran with it.)

But godsblood is not the same as ordinary mortal blood, is it?

The experience after that is an order of magnitude more intense, and the two are one being for a while. Until one of them decides to rejoin his lost lover. The sword will be a powerful artifact after that, but no longer sentient. And the other man will bear it.

Still cagey, actually :)


spiralleds June 1 2008, 05:28:10 UTC
I'd be curious to know more about where the idea came from within Thusia of the Greek gods and the worship/relationship of the Watchers' Council to them and how you fleshed it out. Or whatever within that you'd like to share.

I found it to be this really interesting layered back story, and for as much as we learn about it via Giles, that you probably have a whole lot more of it in your head.

I'm not sure if it matters, but I think I've only read part 3, Thusia, of the trilogy.


antennapedia June 1 2008, 06:09:32 UTC
There are three parts posted ( ... )


spiralleds June 2 2008, 04:35:28 UTC
Thank you for sharing. I find the process of how an idea leads to one story, leads to another, leads to prequels and sequels, etc., fascinating.

I'm intrigued about the Eyghon story as well as the Cruciamentum.


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