I just heard there's a rage club, but I'm too late to be a founding member.

Apr 04, 2008 09:50

Jolly me out of my current state of rage, please. Rage is not a usual state for me-- not honest-to-goodness grand-gesture-level fury-- and I find it unpleasant. I'm against continuing in this state. Therefore, distraction! On the theory that if there's anything as comforting as self-absorption, it's contemplating the characters I love, I propose ( Read more... )

fandom, self-mockery

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antennapedia April 4 2008, 22:14:27 UTC
1. Some of my storylines project Giles out to old age-- in one case I pretty much say, "and then he and Xander spend the next 30 years of their lives together", the implication being that then he dies a happy man. I'd like to explicitly write this in the Cloud Animals verse.

ljs has written some further-future stories in which Giles is aging with Anya, and they encounter some of the consequences of retiring late from the demon-fighting business. Or try snowdrifted's "Remnants". I cry every time I read this, I warn you, but it's a good sort of crying.

And dude, I will read anything you write.

2. Buffy doesn't, but she lives far longer than she expected to at the age of sixteen, and she dies content when she meets her third and final fate. Willow doesn't, in most of the scenarios I see for her. Too curious, too driven, too reckless. Xander does, though.

Dawn lives forever. Bit of a surprising consequence, that.

3. I really really really want to find time to finish my Second Doctor crossover, with Giles and Ethan as schoolboys in the TARDIS. And the follow-up to that puts them in the universe of Fray, which isn't exactly a Buffy crossover so much as Whedon's own futurefic for it. Want to write both of those so much.


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