I attempt to provide entertainment. Attempt.

Jun 27, 2007 11:50

Got nothing done yesterday, 0 items from my to-do list. Let's try again today. Well, the Ethan ficathon promotion item at least got one half-hearted post to tweedandtea. So I'm at .5 out of 4. But instead of doing anything useful this morning, I hit you with a poll:

Day #2 at summer_of_giles. To continue a WIP or not?

Poll WiPs for SoG: threat or menace?
ETA: The two are Life, the Universe, and Everything aka the Krikkit story, and the first Dirk Gently book.

Watched "The Doctor Dances" last night, and had my first moment of liking Jack. Yeah, woo, they sure dropped hints about that party of three turning sizzling, didn't they? Impressive. Definitely my favorite story thus far, for reasons having nothing to do with Jack.

Your random links for today, choose one: Managing Humans, a new book on managing software engineers that looks interesting; and a brief interview with Brian Eno, my art hero, on the eve of the US premiere of "77 Million Paintings". Or hey, how about this Salon article on the current Austen mania, which says: Part of what differentiates this round of Austen consumption from dozens of past infatuations is the degree to which the satiric acid of Austen's work seems to have been drained and replaced with 100-proof, widely accessible romance. And if you're curious about the Kipling story, you can read it online.

fandom:doctor who, poll, random, dna

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