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Comments 54

ladyforash June 16 2007, 15:52:00 UTC
Your name: Ladyforash
Your email:cleejh@hotmail.com
Characters or pairings you want with Ethan:Ethan/Giles
A brief prompt OR three things you want:I'd like to see the first time Ethan and Giles met.
Two things you don't want:I'm game for anything I guess.
Maximum rating you'd prefer:R

Characters or pairings you most want to write with Ethan: Either with Giles or alone.
Other characters or pairings you could write:I'm willing to try anything.
Characters you can't write:
Anything else you can't write:I don't mind hinting slash, but I'd rather not write it. I'd prefer writing FRT for this.
Could you write backup fic if needed?maybe.
Any other comments?


antennapedia June 16 2007, 15:57:43 UTC
Yay! The first signup! You win... um... your very own Janus statue!


ladyforash June 16 2007, 16:56:59 UTC
Cool! :)


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antennapedia June 16 2007, 16:54:26 UTC
Hmm. Right. I will amend the form to include that info. I will assume NO comics canon unless asked for specifically.


47_trek_47 June 16 2007, 16:38:03 UTC
Your name: Trekker (47_trek_47)
Your email: trkkr47@gmail.com
Characters or pairings you want with Ethan: Giles (slash, implied or explicit)
A brief prompt OR three things you want: Ethan tricking, coercing, and/or cajoling Giles into helping him with a less-than-ethical spell; present day, post-Chosen setting; some involvement of the rest of the Buffy ensemble
Two things you don't want: fluff, comics canon
Maximum rating you'd prefer: Sky's the limit, baby.

Characters or pairings you most want to write with Ethan: With Giles or Ethan alone or with an OMC.
Other characters or pairings you could write: Pretty much anyone, with the below exception.
Characters you can't write: The AtS cast, including Wes.
Anything else you can't write: Please don't ask me to write "romantic Ethan/Buffy." Because that WOULD BE WRONG. And the requestor would totally not get what they wanted.
Could you write backup fic if needed? Probably not, sorry.
Any other comments? Yay! Ethan!!


antennapedia June 16 2007, 16:59:27 UTC
Yay! Ethan! Indeed. Thanks for signing up!


frenchani June 16 2007, 17:00:42 UTC
I'm so going to pimp this!


antennapedia June 16 2007, 17:27:26 UTC
Pimping is love! Thanks!


sparklebutch June 16 2007, 23:58:27 UTC
I will too :)


antennapedia June 17 2007, 02:14:10 UTC


spikendru June 16 2007, 19:00:58 UTC
Will defiitely be signing up, but I have two questions first. With all the various ratings systems and abreviations in use by different people, I discovered I have no idea what "FRM" and "FRT" mean. Clarification? And, is there any crossover options with other fandoms, or strictly BtVS/AtS (which is fine, if so, I just really had a yen for a crossover pairing).




antennapedia June 16 2007, 19:06:37 UTC
FRAO == NC-17, adult
FRM == R, 18+
FRT == PG, PG13, teen and up
FRC == G, safe for kids

I can translate all rating specs into something general, so sign up however you like :)

Crossovers... perhaps the crossover possibility in your icon? That would be an encounter worth seeing, I think! Heh. Hrm. I hadn't thought about this. I'd say... go ahead and ask for it, but give me a backup option in case I can't find anybody to write it. People do look at earlier signups when they're writing their own, so perhaps you will coax somebody into stepping up!


spikendru June 16 2007, 19:31:11 UTC
perhaps the crossover possibility in your icon?

Oh, yes, please. If someone was willing to write Ethan/Severus I'd adore them forever.

*happy sigh*


estepheia June 16 2007, 21:22:20 UTC
If someone was willing to write Ethan/Severus I'd adore them forever.
Indeed. So would I! :-)


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