FIC: Risotto (Giles/Xander, FRT)

Jan 28, 2007 12:18

Title: Risotto
Author: Antennapedia
Pairing: Giles/Xander
Rating: FRT
Summary: The Watcher cooks. Xander watches.
Word count: 2600
Notes: Sometime between "Cloud Animals" and "The Complete Set". Written for the Rupertus Domesticus Ficathon.
Distribution: Yup, sure!
Feedback: Keeps the stories comin'.
Disclaimer: I claim no ownership and am making ( Read more... )

series:cloud animals, rupertus domesticus, fiction, fic:giles/xander

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Comments 15

secondalto January 28 2007, 20:39:35 UTC
Very well done. They're so comfortable with each other and it shows in the little things.

Though Xander driving, in England, with one eye, is a little scary.

Interesting idea for the Watchers. That's one of those unanswered questions the show left us with, which I think you handle well.


antennapedia January 28 2007, 22:21:57 UTC
Fortunately: not a lot of high-speed traffic. Xander on a California freeway? eep!

I suspect there will be Problems when the new Watchers are summoned. Capital P.


clavally January 28 2007, 20:43:55 UTC
Well done. It was a nice window into the post-Chosen world and what kind of decisions had to be made. I liked the idea that Watchers aren't just anyone and have to be people predisposed to being called to it. Also enjoyed the brief description of the partnership that exists between Watcher and Slayer.


antennapedia January 28 2007, 22:46:50 UTC
Yay! Glad you liked it. I fear I let the theorizing overtake the story in this one, but it's all set up. Allllllll setup.


kivrin January 28 2007, 22:20:04 UTC
*happy sigh* That's lovely. And damn, I want some of that risotto.

I particularly like the allusion to Vi trying to get Xander's attention in dojo. The hunger of a slayer for a watcher is something I've thought could be problematic in the post-Chosen setting.


antennapedia January 28 2007, 22:39:04 UTC
I'm going to have to make some soon. This week or something. It's not hard, just takes a lot of patience and standing around watching liquid simmer down. And way yummy!

I wonder what Joss is going to give us in these comics: he's got the same set of problems to solve, but he might have a different perspective on what's important and what's not. He might think one Watcher for a grillion Slayers is fine. Or that Watchers aren't necessary. Also note that I tend to ignore season 7 revelations unless it's convenient. Cranky, cranky...

Glad you liked!


kivrin January 28 2007, 22:45:11 UTC
Also note that I tend to ignore season 7 revelations unless it's convenient.
You always offer something more interesting, so I have no complaints. :)


sahiya January 29 2007, 00:59:58 UTC
I want Giles to fix ME dinner at the end of the day . . .

Seriously, nicely done. I see what you were worried about, with the data dump, but it's not bad, really. And I'm excited about the plotty G/X on its way!


antennapedia January 29 2007, 01:11:44 UTC
I am kinda hoping for plot + smuttishness in the next one. I have a general idea of what happens when Willow casts the spell, both immediately and over the following weeks. And the upheavals when some of the results aren't what people were hoping for...


xdawnfirex January 29 2007, 04:15:14 UTC
Very much like. This series is turning out really well. ^_^


antennapedia January 29 2007, 04:20:01 UTC


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