Yesh, the first entry of the new year 2006....

Jan 04, 2006 19:03

The first entry of the year is a longtime memory.... the last was also, so I thought I go that lane for a while ... Memory Lane.

Well, I remeber my first boss. He liked to see himself as a father figure that any could turn to for an advice... He liked to see himself as then one that had all answers. But pretty quickly I noticed that this "Father figure" had no brain at all. He was full of Mantras he had learned at his courses in bossinessship (damn that was a row of S's =]) So I thought I teach him a lesson and suddenly a day when he was lecturing me about something I saw my chanse.

Extract from conversation.

A - Antennafish
B - El bosso

A - So you understand women ?
B - I understand women pretty much !
A - But the question was do you understand women ?!
B - Yes I do, satisfied with the answer ?
A - Well, yes and no ... The man who says that he understands women is either lieing or is gay or has no moral, so what is you ?
B - [Almost swallow his own adamsapple]
A - Well, what are you ?
B - I'm maybe don't understand women at all ?
A - but you said you did, so you are lieing ?
B - Really I got much to do ....
A - [Goes from lecture to never see one more again]

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