(no subject)

Apr 23, 2019 17:23


➊ So you got accepted. Welcome to the game! (: Please not that you have ONE WEEK to complete the following, or else your acceptance will be revoked.
➋ Comment right here with the series, character name, etc. The list will be updated frequently. Choose a room for your character here (first floor) or here (second floor), and set up a permissions thread over here.
➌ Join anteceded, antecededlogs, and antecededooc.
➍ Not necessary, but why don't you skip over to antecededooc and introduce yourself? Just pop by and say hi. Most people don't bite.
➟ Your characters will have received a handheld dual-touchscreen device. It hooks them up to everyone who has one. It doesn't matter if they're in their own world, or at the scientists' headquarters, or anywhere else - it'll pick up the NEXUS system. They have the options of replying to posts in VOICE, TEXT, or VIDEO. You know the drill by now.

➟ Icons are only visible as ooc knowledge or if the character is using VIDEO to comment around.

➟ See here for more information about the NEXUS system.

➟ Read this before posting!
➟ Please set up a HMD post for your character.

➟ Also, please have an INBOX. For an example, see here, and check out this page for more information.
➟ If your character is making a post in anteceded, please tag it #series name: character name. If your character is replying to a post in anteceded, please tag it series name: character name.

➟ If it's an open log in anteceded, please include !log with your character tags. Character tags in antecededlogs will just be series name: character name, and don't forget to include everyone involved.
➑ Come join us at our official gamechat: ANTECHATTER.


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