Welcome and Fic Index

Jan 01, 2012 12:33

This journal is dedicated to my writing, fiction and not, fanwork and original, good and bad.

Most of what I have written so far is for the Torchwood/Doctor Who fandom, with a few others thrown in.  I have a small but growing body of Muppet Show crackfic that I am pleased with beyond all reason.  Original writing tends to be of a distinctly scientific and mathematical nature, with a liberal helping of snark.

Welcome, and enjoy!

Giant Eland

Three Portraits of Divinity
(Jack, Gwen, Owen; Teen for angst and language in #2, none for #1 and #3; #1 has spoilers for DW 4.12 and 4.13, #2 has spoilers for TW 1.10) Note: Kirin, in case you were wondering.

The Space Between (Jack/Ianto, mature for themes and non-sexual adult situations, major spoilers for 1.04 "Cyberwoman" and the entire 2nd half of TW S2)

The Seven Ages of Man (All the team plus Martha, Tom, and John from Out of Time) a suite of drabbles based on Jacques' soliloquy from As You Like It by William Shakespeare.

Torchwood Body Language series--a series of metas on human body language, use of body language in dramatic presentation in general, and use of body language as part of storytelling in Torchwood in particular.  .


Symphony Eroica (second movement)  (Gwen, Ianto, implied Jack/Ianto, PG for mild sexual situations, big spoilers for TW 2.11).

Letters to Florence Erhlenmeyer (Beaker, OFC, G, crack).

Phalaenopsis (Toshiko, Jack; gen, PG for themes and very minor language, big spoilers for TW 2.12) "Toshiko, at least twenty other brilliant minds thought what you did was impossible."

The Sky is Clearest After the Rain (Martha/Tom, Jack; PG for adult themes and very mild naughtiness, spoilers for all of DW S3, especially 3.11-3.13; very mild for TW 2.1 and 2.2) Martha puts her life back together after her time with the Doctor.

Bricolage (Dix Etudes au Clef du Cravat)
(Fandoms: Torchwood, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Discworld and the Muppet Show; R-ish at worst, most are G or PG; spoilers abound) Ten things to do with a necktie.

The Owen Deadly Sins
(A little bit of everybody; Mature for non-explicit sex and some swearing; spoilers for just about everything) Ficlet suite (oh, how I love them) of the seven deadly sins, with Owen making an appearance somehow in each one.

Jiggy Jiggy Jiggy (Tosh, Gwen, aliens from Sesame Street; G, TOTAL crack) Things get weird while Tosh is investigating a piece of tech.

Drabblefic: Dust (Jack, Spoilers for 1.05)

Waking Dreams (Jack/Ianto, NC-17, PWP, with a bit of sweetness)

Friendships and Rain and Other Ordinary, Extraordinary Things
(Jack/Ianto, Gwen, mentions of Gwen/Rhys; G rating, spoilers for all of TW S2, major spoilers for 2.10 and 2.13) About 3 months after Exit Wounds, things begin to change for Jack and Ianto.

Feel So Good (Tosh/Mary, Softcore NC-17, spoilers for 1.07, mid-19th century French poetry and classical Greek epics) This was supposed to be a Gwen/Owen fic, but the Porn Fairy smacked me on the head and said No! Unbeta'd so all mistakes are mine alone. Enjoy.

Symphony Eroica, Accompanied by the Shipwrecked
(Ianto, Gwen, mentions Jack/Ianto; PG genfic, set between 2.11 and 2.12, spoilers up to 2.12) After the events of Adrift, Ianto tells Gwen a story.

Black Lechwe

(John Hart, Blowfish, Woman from KKBB, many OCs; Hard NC-17, see specific warnings for each chapter; spoilers for 2.01)
This fic is a retelling of the Faust myth using Torchwood characters. As a story about dealing with the devil, it is an extremely dark and mature work of fiction. Birthday fic for fmanalyst

The Support Group for Intergalactic Superheroes
(Jack/Ianto, Martha/Tom Milligan, Gwen/Rhys, Tenth Doctor, mentions of OMC, OFC, Tosh, and Suzie; R for character death (Jack), exploration of mature themes, and minor language. No sex and nothing really graphic. Spoilers for ll of TW S1 and S2, DW S1-S3. AU for DWS4.)
About a year after Exit Wounds, the Doctor comes to Cardiff to refuel the TARDIS.


Prime Number Poetry The rules: Write five prime number poems, such that each poem Pn has pn lines. In addition, each stanza must have either a prime number of words, a prime number of syllables, or both. The title for each poem Pn must have pn number of words..


Doctor Who

Character Meta On Crack
Dear Donna (Quickie review of DW 4.01)


Fragments Review, or a deeper look at Jack Harkness
Adrift review, with a side order of Janto Review of 2.07 "Dead Man Walking"


These are older works, many from when I was just learning how to do this creative writing thing (as opposed to technical writing).  Mary Sues, self-inserts, and use/abuse of the Third Person Engineer tense abounds.

Sorry you've had a bad day (Gwen/Rhys, mentions Jack/Ianto; NC-17, PWP, spoilers up to 2.09) Something arrives in the mail that makes Gwen start to think. Rhys' car breaks down and he needs to be picked up. Smut ensues.

Do Something Rash (Ianto, Jack, John, slight implied Jack/Ianto; coda to KKBB, adult themes, major spoilers for 2.01) Ianto plays with something he shouldn't, with dangerous consequences. Songfic.

High School Drama
(Owen, Ianto, post-Meat, PG-13) Owen asks Ianto for help with a persistent problem. Neither man is happy. Two ficlets, one from Owen's POV and one from Ianto's POV.

Need You/Forgive Me (Jack/Ianto, PG-13 for themes and language, spoilers for 2.13) After Exit Wounds, Jack and Ianto think about what happened. Two ficlets, the first from Ianto's POV and the second from Jack's POV. Very sad and angsty, and hopefully in keeping with their thoughts and feelings.

Stand fast through the storm
(Jack/Ianto, PG-13 for themes and minor language, spoilers for 2.13) After Exit Wounds, Jack visits Ianto.

Ficlet: Sand in my shoe
Jack has a melancholy moment.

Soft in the Bridle (Jack/Ianto, mentions Ianto/Lisa, Doctor, Master; G, spoilers through TW 2.12 and DW S1 and S3) Jack reflects on his and Ianto's relationship in a series of six ficlets and drabbles. Character study.

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