The most breathtakingly stupid/ironic thing I've heard in ages

Oct 24, 2008 18:59

Okay.  Put aside your religious beliefs, political beliefs, questions of morality, the lot, and put on your thinking caps.

While listening to NPR this morning, I heard the following (paraphrased, because my memory isn't perfect):

“I don't care if the country goes broke, so long as we don't have abortion or gays getting married. If we have a moral country, God will take care of the rest.”


Wow. I don't even know where to start.

If I take this man (who owns a restaurant and lives in a state in the middle of the country) at the literal meaning of his words, he thinks that:

  • Safe, well-maintained roads so that he can and his customers and suppliers can get to and from his business, aiding his livelihood;

  • Oversight of the construction of the food-prep equipment he uses, intended to insure that his restaurant equipment will not explode, taint his food, or otherwise damage him or his customers;

  • Inspection and licensing of food production mills and plants, so that the food he serves is likely to be of good quality and free of contamination, or if contaminated food does get into the system, it can be traced and people who are sickened can be helped;

  • The construction and maintenance of power, water, and sewer services that he uses to run his business;

  • Police services, both as a deterrent to criminals so that they don't mess with his home or business or, if criminals do mess with his home or business, that they are found, caught, and kept from doing that again;

  • Firefighting services, so that if his restaurant business (which has a deep-fat fryer) catches fire, it is put out in a timely manner, or, if the business next door catches fire, that fire doesn't destroy his business;

  • Education services for his children, grandchildren, and neighbour's children, so that they know how to read the menu and count whether they have enough money to eat at his restaurant...

...are of zero importance to his life, so long as the government enforces a particular behavioural code of conduct.


Of course, the great irony is that if the government goes broke, it won't have the means to be able to enforce that particular behavioural code of conduct.

THINK, people.  Just...THINK before you say something so mind-blowingly stupid.  Okay?

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