"It's the actual desire of something that is ultimately pleasurable and once one attains what one desires it is therefore realised, and the desire is gone, and so is the pleasure." -- Nick Cave
w/ age...time, passion turns to compassion. or rage, (de)peding on ones' cup of tea.
there is usually something left to desire...(thought made flesh) or one simply can not accept 'this is it' so one tries to grab a better hold for it to unfold.
yet it is particularly grueling to have nothing in particular to desire. (though some belief systems claim otherwise or that then one simply hasn't stopped) then one must simply begins to desire for a desire, a poison of choice. and the olde 'be careful what you wish for' and whatnots.
when you say, er, quote, such a thing at this point in time... it might make a fool who tries read too much into unrelated issues think that making a record has been...cleansing. a finished study of some desire(s).
+ pakko "...our emotions are the only clues to our identity. the only true meaning of life is passion. the passion to learn, to paint, to love etc. don't dare destroy your passion for the sake of others. when you do you've lost the beauty of life and that's what a sin is. by robbing yourself of your very reason to exist you have cheated" [Candy Darling]
w/ age...time, passion turns to compassion. or rage, (de)peding on ones' cup of tea.
there is usually something left to desire...(thought made flesh) or one simply can not accept 'this is it' so one tries to grab a better hold for it to unfold.
yet it is particularly grueling to have nothing in particular to desire. (though some belief systems claim otherwise or that then one simply hasn't stopped) then one must simply begins to desire for a desire, a poison of choice.
and the olde 'be careful what you wish for' and whatnots.
when you say, er, quote, such a thing at this point in time... it might make a fool who tries read too much into unrelated issues think that making a record has been...cleansing. a finished study of some desire(s).
+ pakko
"...our emotions are the only clues to our identity. the only true
meaning of life is passion. the passion to learn, to paint, to love
etc. don't dare destroy your passion for the sake of others. when you
do you've lost the beauty of life and that's what a sin is. by
robbing yourself of your very reason to exist you have cheated"
[Candy Darling]
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