Today I promised myself that I would spend the entire afternoon in the library, taking notes for my Roman Architecture paper of death because it's due right after break. So I went to the Babylonian Collection, which is split up in about 5 little rooms on the third floor of the stacks. There are several problems with this entire set-up: first, as I discovered yesterday, there is NO ORDER to the books. They're all sort of haphazardly piled and shelved wherever there's room. Plus, all the other rooms are locked. Luckily I managed to look lost enough that some guy writing his dissertation looked up the books in the card catalog for me and got them out of wherever they were hiding. After an hour of research I had to leave (plus the library closes at 5 on Saturday...WHY??? sometimes I don't want a life on the weekend =) ), so another guy helped me make my books look important so no one would move them. This afternoon I went back, and I discovered the second problem: it's locked when no one's in there. Grrr.
So instead I went in search of books for my Holocaust paper, which took up a good chunk of time seeing as how they're, oh, RE-ORDERING THE ENTIRE COLLECTION of the library this year. You think you know where to find a book, you wander the stacks until you find the one labeled with your call number, and the shelves are empty. There may or may not be a sign saying "these books have been moved to 5M" or wherever they decided to put them. Also, they split up the books so half go to one floor and half to another. And some of the books just stay where they should be in the first place. Second grrr.
Now I have given up on the library for today and am instead faking taking notes on the books I have here.
What is your favorite..
gum: don't like gum
restaurant: probably Mad Greek, though right now we've been making weekly trips to Yorkside (yay flex bucks!)
drink: coffee is my life
type of weather: late spring, warm and breezy
emotion: content
thing to do on a half day: read (NOT for school)
late-night activity: Yorkside!
sport: umm...I like riding my bike
city: Cleveland (too much homesickness)
store: Fireside
When was the last time you..
cried: last weekend
played a sport: oh actual sport? with rules and scores? maybe 10th grade PE
laughed: at brunch
kissed someone: last night
felt depressed: this morning thinking about writing two papers
felt elated: not too recently...maybe when I got to talk to Mom on Friday after her trip to Williamsburg
felt overworked: ALL THE TIME
faked sick: can't recall
lied: I say I'm tired a lot to get out of doing things I don't want to do....though technically I am tired
What was the last..
word you said: "hmm" when Aaron came into the seminar room just to make a face at Eric, then left
thing you ate: grapefruit
song you listened to: actual intent of listening? maybe something on a sixties mix tape (when Amelie, crazy Alaskan kid, saw the tape, he freaked out. "Is that a TAPE?" -"yeah..." -"Like a tape tape?" -"yeah..." -"Can I put it in? Can I?"....are tapes really that obsolete? that makes me feel really old)
thing you drank: water
place you went to: stupid library
movie you saw: 2001: A Space Odyssey
movie you rented: The Graduate
concert you attended: Sarah Chang with the Yale Philharmonia. Sarah Chang, child prodigy! Actually, Woolsey acoustics kind of suck, so it wasn't that great.
Who was the last person you..
hugged: Sean
cried over: I don't cry over people, except when they die. So my grandmother.
kissed: Sean (yay)
danced with: Sean again...
shared a secret with: probably Lissa
had a sleepover with: we had a fake one with a bunch of girls down the hall (plus Michael, who's gay, so it doesn't count). Otherwise Amelie seems intent on sleeping in my bed someday
called: my mom
went to a movie with: God, sometime in the summer, so probably Lissa. I miss real movies!
saw: Eric right now
were angry with: hmm...I got irritated at Lynn because I wanted to go to brunch and she was taking a long time getting dressed
couldn't take your eyes off of: no clue
obsessed over: I try not to obsess over people
Have you ever..
danced in the rain: indeed, and we sang, too
kissed someone: yes
done drugs: no
drank alcohol: yes
slept around: no
partied 'til the sun came up: no
had a movie marathon: actually, perhaps not
gone too far on a dare: maybe kind of...that one time with the secret society...
spun until you were immensely dizzy: maybe when I was little
taken a survey quite like this before: oh, it brings back the memories