
Jul 16, 2010 21:32

CHARACTERS: oblivist + tembleques
WHEN: sunset, closing in on nightfall.
WHERE: outside.
RATING: PG-13 - there's going to be blood and watch us be all graphic about it, eek.
WARNINGS: we're going all out on this one. pwp violence, blood, smashing skul--uh, we'll get back to you.
WHAT: sasuke's got a sword, kanda does too. one and one equals two. these two artists of combat need an unnecessary outlet.

It took more than a cloudy sky and falling rain to stop Kanda from escaping the confining white halls of SPHERE and honing his skills with the sword. It was a necessary habit, to always be ready for battle and never let his guard down. Being in a foreign place in the distance future was no excuse to remain on stand by. No matter how long it took to return back to where he belonged, he wasn't going to sit with his arms crossed and wait it out.

The Exorcist found it hard to find his assistance in the now useful. He was created for a single purpose-to fight in the Holy War-and now that he encountered himself freed of his function and stolen from his purpose, there was a disruption in who he was. He helped the Black Order for a selfish reason. He had no reason to put as much effort in what the people in this place were trying to accomplish.

To the left, Mugen cut through the consistent rain blanket. His vision would blur until he blinked the drops of water away, dismissing the thoughts that only managed to frustrate him more. The only reason he believed his usual practice with the sword wasn't helping was because he was stuck. No matter how many times he swung Mugen left and right, hacked into imaginary akuma, stabbed into the invisible forms of grinning Noah, there was no way he was going to get back to that moment in time-where the Earl was right there, and Alma-

His practice stops abruptly, stance relaxing as he stands up straight and grips the katana tightly at his side. Kanda doesn't move, but he knows someone else was there.

naruto: uchiha sasuke, d. gray-man: yuu kanda

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