fruitinhand, and of course, the
WHEN: ...whenever this kidnapping took place, yo. sometime before The Storm.
WHERE: Abandoned basement somewhere in the city. Far from the Sphere HQ.
RATING: Torture is involved.
WARNINGS: Bored Noah + Sick Exorcist + Creepy Girl Obsessed with Sick Exorcist = um what???
WHAT: Some occurences during the kidnapping including an escape attempt.
Kidnapping the sick boy and him from his friends was easier than expected. It was actually entertaining and even more amusing with his efforts to resist. But three Noah against one Exorcist are quite the odds. Not to worry though, they planned this number out well enough. They even had a generous helping hand for the prisoner's upkeep (because hiding a person required feeding him, and hope be damned if anyone betted on the golden-eyed trio properly fulfilling the task).
They kept him in a
basement lit with only one bulb and cluttered with rusted barrels and decayed furniture. Which abandoned building it belonged to was anyone's guess, but finding it would prove as open-ended as looking for a tree in a forest, and golly was this city a big forest.
There truly wasn't a thing to worry about--for the Noah, at least, with their abundant confidence, arrogance, and playfulness. In the Exorcist's case, he had to worry about their boredom. And certainly, there was boredom.
Things were going too smoothly, too uneventful. Did those friends of his not care? Were they not trying hard enough? Tyki may have had his fun with their backstabbing brother, and the girls may have had small sessions of playtime with their tight-lipped hostage (they thought there was something wrong with him--"You're too quiet"--so they tried a few things to make him speak up, or yell if you want to get specific); but the fancies faded and nothing stood out except for cigarette smoke and the basement temperature.
Perhaps they could paint the walls. Perhaps they could make a song. Or perhaps they could go for a walk outside... and leave the door open.
The sane captive would think it's a ploy. The desperate captive would think it's a chance.
Kanda, well. The Noah weren't expecting anything from him.
(NOTE: this log is open for any activity that may have occured in this setting. feel free to make threads for any instance you'd like to play out! have fun~)