.UPDATE #012
NEXUS► 'Winter Solstice' themed skins added.
► Some font alterations for easier reading.
► Small code push to give read access to external library content. Should you so wish, you can now search our library from your Nexus device. We do encourage most reading to be done from the library itself due to the size limitations of the Nexus screen.
VERSION NOTES: Please report any bugs you find. If you wish to develop or install addons of your own to Dailystream or develop your own application for the Nexus device please follow these instructions: [ ATTACHMENT: PERRYSCRIPTADDONS.VPF ]
SYSTEM Communications issue with the central database resolved in a small update which will be pushed out tonight. Please do not be alarmed if your device activates of its own accord for a few minutes. If it fails to de-activate or problems occur after this update, please report it to our staff who will be happy to take care of this for you.
FORECAST The temperature has eased a little during the day with highs of 8°C and the rain appears to have stopped leaving scattered clouds. However, during the night lows of -1°C creep in and the daytime temperature drops to 4°C over the weekend.
MISC ► Please welcome Allelujah Haptism as the newest volunteer in our lab team. Allelujah will be helping Doctors Bachman and McKay with their current project to slow the progression of the virus. We hope for good news!
► Sign ups for the Basic Repairs course
is up! Keep an eye out as we begin to organise sessions.
► If you come across any errors please report them using the ticketing system provided. Thank you for co-operation.
► Palliative care for most first stage symptoms is still available from the infirmary. Please use these sparingly and with care.
► Please direct all concerns to the appropriate party!