May 19, 2005 01:54
today i worked solo with a huge ass truck load to put up on the was insane and i only finished facing up to aisle 4 when there are like 11 or 12....i work at that fucking store and dont even know how many aisles there are!/.////ahahahha././..oh yeah....i saw unleashed like when it opened upa dn it kiked ass...i cant rmeember if i mentioned that or not...this weekend is fuckign busy though....golfing and drinking friday morning, maybe goign to chases birthday party after wards or hanging out with the asians.....satuday...hangin out with the asians and doin it hardcore old skool style...sunday...either "family" day of hangin out at PamPerin Park hopefully and throwing the shit ass vortex street challenger...i'm gonna find a better ball guys...toy r us fuckin A! sux!....
tomorrow...i am going to the dentist where they enjoy shoving needles in my mouth and then watching my gums bleed a flooding river...then bitch at me afterwards for not flossing every single fucking daya nd that i will die of ginsivitis at a young age and show me gross pictures....then i will not be able to rest and hafta cut the fuckin lawn whether it's rain or shine...upon that.,..i will call austin to time me while i ride my bike to his that time he will skate board and i will bike to bay port while we wait for tony to gte outta school...and most likly we'll call matt and trish since she has the ball!
i most track of what i ahv been will never understand my crazy fragmented sentences and loopholes!....and i am goign to take a 325 question thing off of glorys LJ becsasue i most likly will be bored soemtime this or next week...