Of Bindings - A Parting and a Question

Nov 27, 2009 17:49

Title: Of Bindings - A Parting and a Question
'Verse: 2007 Transformers
Characters: Jazz. Prowl. Sam. Bumblebee. Optimus.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: TF cussing.

Jazz couldn’t quite explain what it was that sent him wandering through the base, but spotting Prowl in his office (then again, where else would the tactician be?) caused him to cease the restless circuit and enter the room. The doorwinged mech turned to look at him, expression curious, and the Solstice shrugged, his grin faint and slightly sheepish.

“Thought I’d come see you before we have to head out and I have to stare at Sideswipe’s aft all the way to DC. That way I’ll have a prettier alternative to think about.”

“Aren’t the humans providing air transport?”

“Yeah, but have you seen the seats? And the in-flight service is lousy.”

“I’m sure you’ve got enough movies downloaded to pass the time.”

“It’s the principle of the matter, Prowler.”

The tactician paused. “Jazz, what’s really bothering you?”

The silver mech vented air in an explosive burst. “I don’t know. Just me being irrational again, I suppose.”

He shook himself, clicking irritably, and Prowl gave him a considering look before speaking. “I’ve found that your instincts are often rather accurate in these matters. If there’s something about this trip that troubles you, please let me know.”

“It’s just a… feeling. Maybe ‘cos the last time I left you I-”

“Megatron is a thousand miles underwater, and he is still there.”

“I know that, and-” Jazz stopped, taking in the other mech’s fierce expression and the flaring arch of his sensor panels. Smiling, he murmured. “Mech, have I ever told you you’re cute when you’re being overprotective?”

“Megatron was a formidable enemy, and Decepticons have been coming to Earth in increasing number. It is only sensible to keep an optic on his remains, lest one of his supporters decides to try something.”

“Mmhm. You know that your doors flutter when you’re embarrassed?”

Prowl blinked, and the aforementioned appendages went still. Jazz laughed, pressing a kiss to the tactician’s cheek. “In any case, I’m not concerned about Megsy. I know you’re keeping tabs on the fragger's carcass, and so are Red Alert and the humans. Like I said, I’m just being irrational. Maybe I’m just worried you’ll run off with Ironhide while I’m away.”

“He does have very big cannons, Jazz.”

A teasing light entered the SIC’s optics, and the visored mech shot back, grinning. “S’not the size, but what you can do with them that matters, Prowl.”

“Hm, I suppose you’d know all about that, wouldn’t you?”

“Is that a short joke, mech?”

Jazz’s playful outrage was interrupted when the chevroned mech kissed him. When they parted, the Solstice sighed. “I’m never going to get the last word with you, am I?”

Prowl just smiled, and kissed him again.

= = =

Sam watched as his guardian spoke to the Autobot SIC. With four mechs away from base, Bumblebee had taken up a more extensive patrol route, and had to give more detailed reports too. The teen frowned as the pair left the room, wondering if he was imagining things.

When the yellow mech returned, Sam nudged the scout in the knee, prompting a querying look down at him.

“ ‘Bee? Is Prowl okay? He looked a little… off.”

The Camaro’s optics brightened briefly, and he transformed, a door swinging open in silent invitation for his charge to get in. When the young man was properly buckled in and they were a decent distance from the base, Bumblebee played a short sound clip.

“Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love.”

Sam was quiet, and even the sound of Bumblebee’s engine felt pensive. Then…

“… Oh.”

= = =

He kept his sensors on the road, as well as their surroundings. Their group had landed in Washington with little fuss, and now they were travelling to wherever it was the meetings were to be held. The flight had been peaceful, thankfully, and it had given him ample time to think. Decision made, Jazz opened a comm. line back to base.


//Yes Jazz?// The tactician sounded puzzled, and the saboteur grinned mentally, imagining Prowl’s response to his next words.

//When I get back, will you bond with me?//

//You’ve been away less than twenty four hours.//

Jazz slowed to let the jaywalker pass, biting back a chuckle at the chevroned mech’s stunned reply. //I know that. I’m also an idiot. I love you. Being in DC isn’t going to change that. Even if you suddenly realise y’don’t want me sometime between now and when I return, it just means I gotta get you to fall in love me again.//

//… You would pick now of all times to have your epiphany.//

That pause before the SIC replied would have worried him, but Jazz could hear the fond affection in the words, and his answer was correspondingly impish and light. //Why? You’ve decided you really do want to run off with Ironhide?//

//No, but Ratchet-//

//Ratchet? Ironhide would at least let you get a word in edgewise.//

//Jazz. Ratchet is currently going through the list of supplies required for the med bay and if I start smiling, I’m going to end up on an examination table, getting my CPU deep scanned for glitches.//

Well, Jazz could sympathise with Prowl’s dilemma, because if the Solstice started laughing like he wanted to, there would be quite a number of freaked out humans on the roads in a moment. Not to mention the nagging Optimus would inflict on him. //You could just tell him I just popped the question and escape when he fries a logic circuit.//

//I think I’ll pass, thank you.//

//I figured as much. Well, I’ll leave you with Ratch’ then. Bye Prowl.//

The tactician’s farewell left Jazz knowing that even if Prowl never actually answered his question, it was only because neither of them really needed him to do so.

= = =

The meeting had gone well, so far, and Washington seemed blessedly free of ‘Con attention. Jazz wondered why, since the city was one of the most important sites, politically speaking, then decided not to question their luck. Instead, he turned his attention to monitoring the airwaves, just in case, then checked on Smokescreen and Sideswipe to make sure they weren’t getting into trouble. The twins had been edgy around the red and blue tactician recently, though none of the three ever volunteered a reason. Jazz thought he might know why. Who knew two battle hardened, trash talking frontliners could be so sweet?

A much larger red and blue mech drove up, settling beside him and the Solstice chirped a cheerful greeting, getting a quiet rumble in return. The saboteur waited. Optimus was working up to something, and the Prime would speak in his own time.


“Yeah boss?”

“Prowl’s pinged me every day we’ve been in DC, presumably to ask for updates on our situation, and to keep me informed on the situation back at base.”

Well, Jazz knew that. He’d been privy to the comms after all, and they’d been nothing out of the ordinary. But maybe Optimus had gotten another report and was concerned. Trying to keep from sounding worried, he asked. “Is anything wrong?”

“Yes. Red Alert’s about to throw the biggest hissy fit in the universe at all the hacks you’ve pulled on the base’s security feeds while we’ve been away. Just speak to Prowl instead of spying on him. No more of this sneaking glances on the sly. I know you two are sorting things out, but if this is about giving each other space, ignoring him isn’t-“

Surprised, it took the silver mech a moment to interrupt his leader.

“Uh, Prime? You realise Prowl and I got through the war, and the search for the Allspark while bonded, right? We’re used to being apart. Frag, we have more contact with each other now then when our sparks were connected. I’m not calling Prowl at all hours because he’s a big mech and can take care of himself. Prowl’s noting you every day because that’s what he does. The security feeds… well, that’s really more to tweak Red, and to help Glen and Maggie practise their awesome mech hunting skills. And I like looking at Prowl, so why not kill two birds with one stone?”

The Peterbilt sighed. “You’re sure things are alright?”

“I’m sure.”


“Really. Prime?”

“Yes Jazz?”

The saboteur went for the one reply he knew would convince Optimus that things were okay with him and Prowl. “You up to holding a bonding ceremony when we get back?”

The sputter of a big rig’s engine set Jazz to laughing out loud.

tf-2007, fic, 'verse: bindings

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