Title: The Perils of Refueling (Part 3)
'Verse: G1 Transformers
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: TF cussing. Crack.
//Yeah, Prowler?//
//I believe someone misappropriated some energon from my dispenser last night. A rather large quantity at that.//
//Primus. So that’s why the Ark’s so dead today. Some mechs just need to get scrapped before they learn. S’that why you called? You want me to track them down?//
//No. I actually wanted to tell you that Blaster seems to have managed to obtain a live feed of that rock music showcase you two wanted to attend but couldn’t. I’ve given him permission to watch it in the communications deck while he’s on duty, on the condition that you join him. He tends to get carried away by these things, as evidenced by the last occasion.//
//… Mech. You’re scary as frag all and I love you.//
//Thank you, Jazz, I love you too. Enjoy your concert.//
//Heh. I’m betting a good many mechs won’t.//
//I have no idea why, the comms deck is adequately soundproofed.//
//So’s my room. Drop by later?//
//After my duty shift ends.//
//Great. See you then, Prowl. Bye!//