It's taken me way too long to do this

Feb 18, 2016 00:51

I play Angry Birds: Transformers. For people who don't, all you need to know is that you send your Autobird or Deceptihog running through a stage shooting everything, trying to stay alive 'til the end of the run, and you can pick a character off someone else's account to assist you during that run.

After a successful run, you can thank your helper bot. A cut scene will play. Birds and Birds will be friendly, so will Hogs and Hogs. Birds and Hogs will not.

There's a Jazz and a Prowl in this game.

You see where I'm going with this.

The scene that plays after you run Jazz successfully and choose Prowl to help is adorable.

You start with Prowl offering to shake Jazz's hand. They do a low five instead, because it's Jazz.

Then. THEN. Prowl goes to one knee and flexes. (He also glances over his shoulder to see if Jazz is watching) (Jazz dances because he wasn't staring, not for a second, what are you talking about Prowl)

Big finish! Lights dim! Bots get dragged off for victory smooches!

They seem to have changed this animation recently, they just do a low five and chest bump thing now, which is why I'm posting my pictures I guess. Because Prowl flexing for Jazz will never get old, and I might not get to see it again ^^;;

(Prowl has sunglasses and caps cos you can customise your characters with accessories, and when you get helper characters they are dressed how their players dressed them.)


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