Apr 05, 2007 15:55
Most days I know exactly what my conversation will be, today was suprise.
I learned about holidays. Earlier in the week I was extreamly disterbed by an elderly preist. I have a theory that elderly preist talk dirty, elderly nuns strip.
any way so today,
one of my consumers points to the smoke ditector and says Jesus. he gets every one involded. pointing to the ceiling and saying Jesus.
once at the site one of them explains to me
good friday- Jesus moves, Jesus alive. then i am told this is wrong.
he corrects himself.
good friday- Jesus die, Jesus nails, Mary cry, Mary tears
(he's laughting, and giddy while saying this)
easter-Jesus moves, Jesus alive.
the hatian table (senior sit by langage at this senior center). who have been listening to this break out into singing "Mary don't you wheap"