Back at work

Feb 22, 2007 12:41

I am feeling somewhat better, to call it well would be an exageration, but I made it in to work today and coverloned a pile of books. It isn't my favourite activity but at least it doesn't require any great amount of brainpower, which is just not available at the moment. I spend the last couple of days napping and watching Dvds and trying to stay within reach of a box of tissues, so there is not much to tell. I had/still have a bad cold and the monthly feminine joy didn't contribute to making me feel any better either.

Today, I tried to book a table for the dinner after my graduation but the place I wanted to go to can't accommodate 15 people, so I have to try and find somewhere else. A friend suggested the Lebanese place, and I really like it there, so I will see whether I can convince my Mum that this is a good idea and whether they are happy to have 15 people (I really didn't think that was such an unusually large gathering, but  you live and learn). This isn't so great as I am going to be away over the weekend but maybe I can phone them up this evening. I still need to get some bits and pieces my friend asked me to bring, but I am trying not to stress about the flight.
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