things I hate most.

Apr 13, 2006 23:32

Okay, so I'm watching The Prince and Me 2. yes... there is such a movie, no Julia Stiles is not in it. Yeah right, why would a star be in the second film straight to DVD? PUH-LEZE! Only Luke Mably's in it because he needs a job. Plus, he's hott. Even the butler dude isn't the same!

To the point, the two things I hate most about stories/movies/films/etc:

1. the Peter Parker/Harry Potter/tragic hero thing. Yanno, the knight (or the story equivalent) that marries someone who is not his love to save his country/home/family/etc. I HATE that!

2. The girl who wants the prince to give up his country/home/family/etc. for her! I mean, in this movie Paige wants Edvard to marry her instead of stay king! HELLO! A whole country... or the girl. I know you want to be selfish, but he has to be responsible for a country! a WHOLE country! I think that's a little bit more important. Yes, you don't get to be with the love of your life, but suck it up and stick it out! He had to sacrifice you, so you both lose. You just have to get over it! He's doing what's best for his country, not himself.

Of course, these are the words of a hopeless romantic.

You must remember, you must do what's best for the people, not for ourselves.

I'm so glad I don't have to deal with this stuff... though the tragic hero would be fun! For a bit... But I would so pull a Kel and let Cleon go take care of his family. At least I'd have fun in the meantime!

Well... maybe I'll just let the movies deal with the drama, and I'll just watch that and other's drama. It's safer. Especially on my heart.
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