On the Heart of Gold

Aug 08, 2005 16:02

The ship's been cleaned. Insanely. Every bit of it's shining brightly, even whiter than it normally is, and all is pristine and perfect for a trip that guarantees, considering time and the personages involved, that by the time they land, it'll be a mess ( Read more... )

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balletrat August 8 2005, 00:21:54 UTC
*Eventually, there is a Meg, who peers around the ship with great interest.*

- I've never been on a spaceship before, *she announces to the room at large.* Are they always this shiny?


empath_wiggin August 8 2005, 00:26:39 UTC
"No, mine was rather dull. And from what Luke says, most in his world are rather dull too." She smirks a bit. "Hey, Meg."


balletrat August 8 2005, 00:41:39 UTC
Hey, Val, *Meg says cheerfully.* I'll have to take your word on that one - I don't think they've even invented a way to make things this shiny in my time yet.


empath_wiggin August 8 2005, 00:54:24 UTC
Val laughs. "Well, it's a bit over-shiny for me, really. Everything reflects onto my screen, and I can't -see- anything. And there are too many people." Is that whining? Force, she's been around her husband too long. "That's not griping at you to go away, Meg. I probably shouldn't be this stuck in all of it."


balletrat August 8 2005, 00:56:23 UTC
*Meg considers what would help with these complaints.

Finally, she offers, helpfully,* Would you like my book? I brought it figuring we'd have a fair amount of downtime, and it's not shiny, very -


empath_wiggin August 8 2005, 00:59:50 UTC
Val chuckles. "Nah. I'll be alright. I probably should just put the laptop away and be social for a while." She smirks. "If I really wanted literature, I brought about half my library."


balletrat August 8 2005, 01:07:25 UTC
*Meg giggles.* Well, it's good to be prepared, I guess - I'll just be happy if I get through twenty more pages or so.

*Meg is not so much a fast reader.*


empath_wiggin August 8 2005, 01:15:45 UTC
Val chuckles. "Hey, we'll be busy. Running a revolution ad all. Or, well, I'll be busy. Gotta write for just about every possibilitiy." She looks justabit stressed.


balletrat August 8 2005, 01:18:22 UTC
*Meg cocks her head.*

Anything you're going to need help with? I'm not so good with the writing, but -


empath_wiggin August 8 2005, 01:24:59 UTC
"Nah. I'm not really used to writing everything myself, but I'll be fine. Perhaps keep me from going completely nuts, though. I think that I'm going to need it."


balletrat August 8 2005, 01:38:32 UTC
What I'm here for, *Meg says cheerfully.*

Max already said I should give dance lessons to keep people busy while we're on the move - it'll be a good break from peering at all those little letters all day.


empath_wiggin August 8 2005, 01:44:41 UTC
Val laughs. "Perhaps my feet will remember the ballet I took when I was little." She smirks. "It'll be a good distraction and nice excersise."


balletrat August 8 2005, 02:07:20 UTC
You never completely forget your early training, *Meg assures her blithely.* And that'll give you an edge over all the people who never even heard of ballet -


empath_wiggin August 8 2005, 02:21:53 UTC
"I guess it's like the proverbial riding a bike. You never forget it." Val chuckles, and leans back on the sofa that she and her stuff have comandeered. "Strange as this sounds, it feels good to be in space again."


balletrat August 8 2005, 02:29:43 UTC
It feels good to be in space for the first time, *Meg agrees cheerfully, and plops down on a sofa next to her.*


empath_wiggin August 8 2005, 02:37:49 UTC
Val beams. "It's been about a year for me. And, well, considering I was almost constantly in space before coming to the bar, it's a good feeling to be back again."


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