On the Heart of Gold

Aug 08, 2005 16:02

The ship's been cleaned. Insanely. Every bit of it's shining brightly, even whiter than it normally is, and all is pristine and perfect for a trip that guarantees, considering time and the personages involved, that by the time they land, it'll be a mess ( Read more... )

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empath_wiggin August 7 2005, 23:47:50 UTC
And at some poit, there's a Val there. She's plunked on a seat in the bridge, typing away as if she belongs there.


galactic_prez August 7 2005, 23:49:49 UTC
Zaphod, from his position on the couch, attempts to look over her shoulder.

It doesn't work well.

Instead, he settles for waving lazily. "Hey, there. Guess you're one of Trill's recruits, huh?"


empath_wiggin August 7 2005, 23:51:33 UTC
He probably wouldn't understand it anyway. Exceptig the final draft, Val writes in Italian, in the Aurebesh alphabet. Val looks up and chuckles. "Michael's, actually." She looks up and holds out a hand. "Valentine Skywalker, propaganda and government planning."


galactic_prez August 7 2005, 23:55:21 UTC
He vaults out of the couch, wobbling slightly, and extends one of three hands.

"Charmed," he says, grinning widely with both heads. "Zaphod Beeblebrox, owner and proprietor of the Heart of Gold and President of the Galaxy. Sometimes."


empath_wiggin August 7 2005, 23:58:16 UTC
Val laughs and raises an eyebrow. "Well, I guess I have you to thank for the hospitality of your ship." A grin. "President of the galaxy, eh? Sounds like a fascinating job. I didn't even know that this galaxy had a president." She smirks. "Would be rather a shock to the people of Earth to know there's something bigger than themselves."


galactic_prez August 8 2005, 00:00:12 UTC
"Yeah, it usually is," he says conversationally, leaning against what looks like a fairly important panel and disregarding it completely.

"I mean, they were pretty surprised when the Vogons showed up. You'd have thought they'd have seen it coming."


empath_wiggin August 8 2005, 00:06:10 UTC
Poor important panel. She laughs a bit, however, eyes twinkling. "I think someone or another told me about the Vogons. They were the whatevertheyweres that blew up Earth, right? Sound like nasty things." Hey, she's sharp when she wants to be.


galactic_prez August 8 2005, 00:09:23 UTC
"That's them."

Hey, she speaks Zaphod. Who knew?

"Evil bureaucrats. Earth was an okay place, I guess. Great parties." He winks. "Gorgeous girls. I couldn't stay away."


empath_wiggin August 8 2005, 00:13:54 UTC
Hey, Val's fluent in over six million forms of communication... oh, wait, that's the 'droid. She does understand a lot, though.

Val laughs a bit. "All bureaucrats are evil. I don't think it's possible to be a -nice- bureaucrat." She chuckles. "Earth was a rather nice place, I guess. It has its advantages, but then again, every place does." A grin. "I'm a bit of a traveller, really. I like exploring new places."


galactic_prez August 8 2005, 00:41:13 UTC
He raises an eyebrow.

"No, sweetheart, there aren't any nice ones, but these guys are worse than usual. Hope that you never meet one, especially if you like poetry."

Traveling gets a grin. "Yeah? I'm in the traveling business myself, y'know." He leans over, looking around warily. "Kinda comes with the territory when you steal stuff, right? But hey, it's fun. It's groovy. It's chill and froody, darlin'."


empath_wiggin August 8 2005, 00:50:38 UTC
"Poetry's tolerable, but I'll stay away from them anyway. They sound nasty enough."

"Stealing stuff?" Oh, Force. Val blinks, but shakes her head. Somehow, she doesn't feel exactly threatened. The slang, however, gets a curious look, but a shake of the head. "Sounds awesome."


galactic_prez August 8 2005, 21:37:35 UTC
"Good idea," he says with a grin, and then opens his arms wide, indicating the ship.

"What, you think I just went to some second-hand dealorship to get this baby? This is the Heart of Gold, baby. The only Infinite Improbability Drive in the Universe. I became President just so I could steal this thing. I think."


mctrillian August 7 2005, 23:51:38 UTC
"Already starting your campaign?" asks Trillian socially, trailing over from the mainframe.


empath_wiggin August 7 2005, 23:54:53 UTC
Val grins. "Of course. Gotta start somewhere. Well, more like get back into the hang of things. I think I'd forgotten how much I love it." Trillian might notice a bag of random stuff at her feet. Val plunked in a space upon getting to the ship, and never moved.


mctrillian August 8 2005, 00:15:02 UTC
"And you're writing in ..."

Trillian blinks.

"... in something I've definitely never seen before. Show me how to read that?"

Life is not complete without knowing Aurebesh.


empath_wiggin August 8 2005, 00:19:36 UTC
"Well, um. The alphabet's Aurebesh. It's from Luke's 'verse." She rummages in one of the bags and pulls out a handy character sheet, explaining the English equivalent of Aurebesh characters. "And, uh, from there, it's in Italian. Old habit. I write everything political in Italian, save the last two drafts. One to translate, one to shore up language." What? Val goes through about six drafts of everything.


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